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White pages on My Account changes


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First the stats:

  • OSC 2.2-MS2
  • PHP 5.0.4
  • GeoTrust SSL (Dedicated)
  • Module: STS
  • Module: Check/MO
  • Module: PayPal
  • Module: Sterling Payment (custom-built CC processing, coded by the CC Company)
  • Module: Flat Rate
  • Site: www.donsmarine.com/catalog/

After some of the other issues I've been having, I decided to put OSC through its paces with a test client account. I've run into one reasonably major snag. A client can sign up, select items, checkout, & pay with no problems. However, attempting to change anything in "My Account" results in a White Page. This happens when attempting to change address information, change password, add an address to the address book, or requesting password (lost password).


OSC performs the action, and the changes are entered into the DB, but the customer is redirected to a White Page (and the session ID is in the URL). In order to get back in, the customer has to return to the main page and log in again.


I've checked the account_edit.php file for extra whitespace/returns at the start or end. There was an extra blank line at the end, which I deleted, but (as I expected) that didn't change anything.


OSC is not placing cookies on my machine now, though was previously. I used to have to go into my browser options and delete the cookie in order to get *any* page of the site to show up.


This happens in both FF and IE (so it's not an issue with the browser) and on both my home and work boxen (so it's not an issue with either the connection or the box).


Any help would be appreciated.

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