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The e-commerce.

Selected articles block


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I was wondering if there is a feature (or more likely a contribution) that enables me to put a block on the page that shows a random article from a specific selection of articles. This must be like the new articles block except now I get to choose which articles to display.


I have searched the contributions and this forum but couldn't find anything like it. I also looked through the installation of osCommerce but couldn't figure out if this is possible at all....


If no-one knows of *any* way to achieve the described result (I am willing to damage the new article block if needed) then I'll probably have to make it myself but I don't want to waste my time re-inventing the wheel before trying every method of finding such a way. And since I can be called an osCommerce rookie I thought asking if the feature is available for this quite large project would be ok as long as I tried to find it first (which I did)




ps, If the answer to my question is negative, feel free to show me links on module development

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