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log yourself in + add to cart : it doesn't work!!


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I've made a copy of the catalog of an other client to use it for my actual client. I've copied all and made an export of the database, I've also made some changes in the configuration file to make sure the catalogue works well.


For the administration partie, it's working #1


But, for the catalog, log yourself in for a client won't work, I enter the username and the password and I'm always redirected to the login page like I was not connected. Also, it's impossible to add a product to the cart... if I delete the redirect in the add to cart's page, I can see that the product seems to be add but when I go in an other page, the cart becomes empty... I can create account without any problem...I get no error at all... I dont' think the problem can be in my PHP configuration because there was an OSCommerce Catalog before I delete it and replace it with the new version.


Also, my default language for the catalog is french and If click on the english button, I enter in the english catalog but if I click anywhere in the english catalog, I get back in the french catalog...


Please help me!!!!



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