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counter in footer


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Did you look in your includes/footer.php?


<td class="footer">  <?php echo strftime(DATE_FORMAT_LONG); ?>  </td>

<td align="right" class="footer">  <?php echo $counter_now . ' ' . FOOTER_TEXT_REQUESTS_SINCE . ' ' . $counter_startdate_formatted; ?>  </td>


Above code removal will delete it.




Anyone knows how i can delete the counter in the footer of the page

''3213 visitors since 01-01-2007''



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I removed your give code in mine footer.php, but it also removes the entire bar, i only want to remove:

''24324 visitors since 01-01-01''




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To confirm please, what do i delete of the following code:


<td class="footer">  <?php echo strftime(DATE_FORMAT_LONG); ?>  </td>

<td align="right" class="footer">  <?php echo $counter_now . ' ' . FOOTER_TEXT_REQUESTS_SINCE . ' ' . $counter_startdate_formatted; ?>  </td>





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To confirm please, what do i delete of the following code:


<td class="footer">  <?php echo strftime(DATE_FORMAT_LONG); ?>  </td>

<td align="right" class="footer">  <?php echo $counter_now . ' ' . FOOTER_TEXT_REQUESTS_SINCE . ' ' . $counter_startdate_formatted; ?>  </td>



The contrib Hide Page Counter works.

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Hi Coopco,


seems a goog contribution, however i have never messed with my database, could you tell me were i have to load up the contri in the database, step by step please.


My database is a phpmyadmin 2.7.0-pl2


thanks mike


Or still is there a simpler way of removing the counter. The code i used deletes the entire footer bar??

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Hi Coopco,


seems a goog contribution, however i have never messed with my database, could you tell me were i have to load up the contri in the database, step by step please.


My database is a phpmyadmin 2.7.0-pl2


thanks mike


Or still is there a simpler way of removing the counter. The code i used deletes the entire footer bar??

Mike, it is so easy.


For those who do not understand how to import new SQL stuff into the database, this is how you do it...



Go to your phpMyAdmin

Choose your osC database on the left in the pull-down menu if you have more than one

On the right side, click on the SQL tab at the top

Then paste the sql code into the textarea on that page

Click on the GO button and you are done


Post back if you are not sure.

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Hi Coopco,


Thanks for also confirming my other post,, that i can delete all 8 backups in the admin section.


So for this hiding counter, the following code i have to enter in the Query window:

INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES ('', "Show Page Counter", "SHOW_PAGE_COUNTER", "false", "Display the catalog page hit counter", 1, 23, "6/30/2005 19:01:39", "6/30/2005 18:54:59", "NULL", "tep_cfg_select_option(array('true', 'false'),");


And then press start, is this correct??


Can i make a backup of database, in case of error or something, i am very unsure, is the simpelest thing of oscommerce i know, but i never worked with my database. THe man who used to do it, passed away...


thanks coopco

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Hi Coopco,


Thanks for also confirming my other post,, that i can delete all 8 backups in the admin section.


So for this hiding counter, the following code i have to enter in the Query window:

INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES ('', "Show Page Counter", "SHOW_PAGE_COUNTER", "false", "Display the catalog page hit counter", 1, 23, "6/30/2005 19:01:39", "6/30/2005 18:54:59", "NULL", "tep_cfg_select_option(array('true', 'false'),");


And then press start, is this correct??


Can i make a backup of database, in case of error or something, i am very unsure, is the simpelest thing of oscommerce i know, but i never worked with my database. THe man who used to do it, passed away...


thanks coopco

If you store your backups on your pc, then always keep one on site.

Always make a backup before changing anything. When you have done this, you should have two backups.

Press Go, Start and the sql will execute.

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Reading ''usernameone'' post i ripped this code out the footer.php and the counter does not show up, i hope it doesnt have any effect on orders etc????


<td align="right" class="footer">  <?php echo $counter_now . ' ' . FOOTER_TEXT_REQUESTS_SINCE . ' ' . $counter_startdate_formatted; ?>  </td>




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Reading ''usernameone'' post i ripped this code out the footer.php and the counter does not show up, i hope it doesnt have any effect on orders etc????


<td align="right" class="footer">  <?php echo $counter_now . ' ' . FOOTER_TEXT_REQUESTS_SINCE . ' ' . $counter_startdate_formatted; ?>  </td>




No, it will be right.

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