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Help with InternetSecure installation


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Hi Everybody


I have used InternetSecure in the past, but that was a year ago and I am on a new hosting provider etc. I installed osCommerce MS2.2 etc and got it working and put the InternetSecure with MerchantLink files in the right place...


Nothing - module doesn't show up, can't enable, zip.


I am completely stuck. If anyone can help me, I would very much appreciate it. I know that taking time is a pain, so if you can help and want to bill me for your time, please drop me a line.


Thanks for your help, I appreciate it very much!


Robert Wein

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robert, if you look carefully in the modules under admin you will see it listed as "credit card" (you should have 2 - one is the original provided with OSC), the other is your internetsecure module. try it.



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Damn, you have saved SOOO much hassle, effort, and money.


Saying "thank you" is pretty empty compared to what you've done - I have struggled for 10 DAYS over this - but that's all I've got.


Thank you..






robert, if you look carefully in the modules under admin you will see it listed as "credit card" (you should have 2 - one is the original provided with OSC), the other is your internetsecure module. try it.



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FYI -- if you make a tiny change, it will read "correctly" in the modules section of the /admin page:











And it will show up with a bit more obvious of a name in the window.


Thanks again....









Damn, you have saved SOOO much hassle, effort, and money.


Saying "thank you" is pretty empty compared to what you've done - I have struggled for 10 DAYS over this - but that's all I've got.


Thank you..



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  • 5 months later...



If you know how to set up the pre-auth function for internet secure, let me know.


here is a link to internet secure's help page for pre-auth, you need to add one line of code somewhere, however I have no idea where to add it




I need this done asap and am willing to pay $35 via paypal if you can add one line of code where it needs to be put


get at me ASAP

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