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The e-commerce.

Changing the frontpage without STS


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First I want you to know the location of my project: http://symbolcollection.arxia.ro/


1. I only have access to the template side of the oscommerce installation..is it possible to install STS?

2. I need to create a fancy frontpage, like a flash slideshow and after clicking a buton or an image from that page to be taken to the page you actually see it now.

Can someone help me where should I place my new page (that contains swf)?


Regards and many thanks



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First I want you to know the location of my project: http://symbolcollection.arxia.ro/


1. I only have access to the template side of the oscommerce installation..is it possible to install STS?

2. I need to create a fancy frontpage, like a flash slideshow and after clicking a buton or an image from that page to be taken to the page you actually see it now.

Can someone help me where should I place my new page (that contains swf)?


Regards and many thanks





1. No

2. Edit the "root(catalog) > index.php" file.

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You could create a html file called index.htm or index.html and style this page with your design / flash etc. Of course create a link in this file to the store (index.php).


In the root htaccess file add the following lines:


#hack to load index.html page first
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php

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