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The e-commerce.

How to install my OSC with my pre configured modules?


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Dear All,



I want to install OScommerece just like in Fantastico, where users can fill the required fields such as Script admin Username, Script admin password, and there's some fileds that i don't want the user to fill it but we will fill it automatically such as the Database name, as we want to create the Data base for his oscommerece dynamically based on the Username e.g username papayeya => DB= db_papayeya.


Also the source script will include all the modules we installed in it, we don't want the user to go for modules installation and configuration headache.


is it possible to install the source script with a pre-installed modules from source folder A to user's folder say B, and when the finishes his sign up we copy via ftp (automatically through a script) the entire folder A to the client's folder B, and then rename the Data base in the OScommerce script to the new user data base say db_papayeya as i mentioned above.


Is it possible ?


I will appreciate any help, and if someone needs more clarifications, kindly just go ahead.

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