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The e-commerce.

new beginner needs help with xampp and oscommerce


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That would depend on which xamp or wamp you have installed on your box.


If you would look in the documentation.pdf that came with your download there are instructions there that would help.





in installed xaamp und downloaded oscommerce

what file do i need to move in what directory from xaamp to get into this install part from oscommerce??????

sorry for my bad english, im german.

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That would depend on which xamp or wamp you have installed on your box.


If you would look in the documentation.pdf that came with your download there are instructions there that would help.



i dont understand that instructions..

this ist what i found for my xaamp

###### ApacheFriends XAMPP (basic package) version 1.6.1 ######


+ Apache 2.2.4

+ MySQL 5.0.37

+ PHP 5.2.1 + PHP 4.4.6 + PEAR

+ PHP-Switch win32 1.0 (please use the "php-switch.bat")

+ XAMPP Control Version 2.4 from www.nat32.com

+ XAMPP Security 1.0

+ SQLite 2.8.15

+ OpenSSL 0.9.8e

+ phpMyAdmin 2.10.02

+ ADOdb 4.94

+ Mercury Mail Transport System v4.01b

+ FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.23

+ Webalizer 2.01-10

+ Zend Optimizer 3.2.4

+ eAccelerator 0.9.5 für PHP 5.2.1 (comment out in the php.ini)

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Note: you will also need to turn register_globals on in your php.ini file as it is off by default


xaamp is running, but i still dont know what file or what directorys i need to copy to xaamp, and where do i need to paste them, to start the install.php for oscommerce!!!

This is still my question..

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Well, you will need to read the apache friends docs. The link above answered the WHERE di U I need to paste them.


Scroll down this page as they have all your answers. You will need to read them though,






xaamp is running, but i still dont know what file or what directorys i need to copy to xaamp, and where do i need to paste them, to start the install.php for oscommerce!!!

This is still my question..

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