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PayFlowPro no more?


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After asking what seemed like an easy question earlier today, I did some digging around on the forums.


It seems that there were dozens of people having problems getting the osC store to connect to their PayFlowPro accounts. It seems that there used to be a file in the installer called "/catalog/includes/modules/payment/payflowpro.php" - but it's not on my server.


Am I to assume this module didn't work and was removed?


Is anyone pushing transactions through a PayFlowPro account? If so, how'd you get it to work and where's the module now?


Thanks in advance for any leads


- Sean

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having some serious issues with this myself. I'd really like to get it working since it's the only vendor I can use (long story and beyond my control).

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