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have text descriptions with paragraphs, how do i change all this to a html look using easypopulate uploader ?


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looked for hours / days / months for a solution for this annoying problem ! had to enter some in by hand (using htmlarea) contribution (admin description enter text to html contribution), but now its the end of it and i want to find a solution i no there is one i no it !


all my descriptions are broken up into paragraphs etc, just need to be turned into html when uploading (easy populate, or if you suggest other wise)


over 4000 products to add !


store is http://shop.kb-online.co.uk




if missed any info you need to no ill be online for long time so ill reply quick !

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You just need to format the text using html. You should only use table (div's), tr's and so so, not body and head sections. If you use quotes, it can confuse the code. There is an optionin the file as to handle those.



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o yes i no ! sounds easier than done !

how ever how do i change over 4000 descriptions ?

in a excel file ? been looking for software for ages !




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  • 6 months later...

I don't know if you ever figured this out, but it occurred to me that you could do it like this:


1) Download a full Easy Populate file from your site

2) Use the Find command in Excel to Search and Replace certain formatting "characters" with HTML code. For example, search for the Tab characters, and replace them with "<br><br>" to add two carriage returns.

3) reupload the modified file via EP.


Note that if you take your tab-delimited text file (EP download) into a program like BBedit, you can do really sophisticated "Grep" find and replace searches (for more on this, see http://www.anybrowser.org/bbedit/grep.shtml). Depending upon what you wanted to do, your 4000 products could be modified in one click of the button.


any one ? :unsure:


4000 text descriptions into html ? (n a excel cells)

thanking you

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