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Authorize.net AIM - relay response or receipt link URL is invalid


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I have a new store and when I set up Authorize.net using AIM osCommerce used to say OK in test mode but now when I am in Production mode I get the following error:


(14) The referrer, relay response or receipt link URL is invalid.


And now when I turn Authorize.net back to test mode I get the same error so I presume I must have done something on our end as I spent 45 minutes on the phone with Authorize.net and they said everything looked fine on their end?


I am using osCommerce 2.2-MS2 on a Macintosh with Apache/2.2.2 and Register Globals turned off.


Thanks for any and all ideas;


dale j

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I have logged into Authorize.net and in the settings area I found:

Transaction Response Settings

Transaction Version Receipt Page

Response/Receipt URLs Relay Response


I clicked on Response/Receipt URLs and found that there were 2 fields and one was blank? I entered a URL for my store now I have a second error but hopefully it will be easier to figure out:


Credit Card Error! The first four digits of the number entered are: <br>If that number is correct, we do not accept that type of credit card.<br>If it is wrong, please try again.


I have tried MasterCard as well as Visa and I get the same message.


Presently I am on phone hold at Authorize.net.


Any ideas anyone?




I have a new store and when I set up Authorize.net using AIM osCommerce used to say OK in test mode but now when I am in Production mode I get the following error:


(14) The referrer, relay response or receipt link URL is invalid.


And now when I turn Authorize.net back to test mode I get the same error so I presume I must have done something on our end as I spent 45 minutes on the phone with Authorize.net and they said everything looked fine on their end?


I am using osCommerce 2.2-MS2 on a Macintosh with Apache/2.2.2 and Register Globals turned off.


Thanks for any and all ideas;


dale j

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