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The e-commerce.

Can OsCommerce do this?


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I am asking this question in order to benefit from your experience.


I need an application that works with the following scenario (it's just a scenario). I am going to use magazines to explain what I need.


1. Basic functions: I need to create categories, in which I will create magazine titles to be sold. So far so good.


2. Customers can subscribe to a magazine and, at any time, log into their panel control and change the way their subscription works.


3. Therefore, subscribers could choose to get a magazine every month, and then change their mind and get every three months. I know it's weird, but remember, it's just a scenario.


4. Admin can check for each magazine which will be sent to who, and on what basis (every 3 months, every month...)


Is there a tool that does just this (and I don't mind if it does more)?


I think it's all about recurring payments for given products


Thanks in advance for your help

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