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[Contribution] buySAFE module for osCommerce

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I installed the module today at my website www.eratoys.com


Everything went smooth...great instructions by the way. My site is heavily modified, but was still able to code it fine.


After uploading everything to the server, I received no errors. I installed the module on the admin side and everything was fine.

However, when I entered the token info for store and seal authorization, it failed the test. I made sure I had the right codes in the right boxes, yet it gave me a failure each time.


When I updated and checked the site out, there was a big white space where the seal should be...what am I doing wrong?? I set the button to enable to false until I get this resolved. I doubled checked all my code and DID add the SQL



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Can you turn the module back on so that I can take a look at the source code on the site to try to determine the problem.

Please give me a call or post a reply to this thread when you have re-enabled the module.





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Strange...I turned it back on and made a purchase myself and everything works on the catalog side. Seal appears and all the info is correct in the pop-ups.


Still says failure when I test on the admin side...is it working?? bufSAFE appears on the invoice on the cat and admin side.


If you want to test it out, just do an order with the fax in your order option and I can delete the order later.




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Everything looks good on your end. The seal is showing on the site so the authentication data you entered is good. I'm not sure why the test is failing but it shouldn't be a problem since the site is correctly configured now. It could be a glitch in the module. We'll take a look.



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Hi Chris,

I've got a few issues I need a hand with on my site.


First, the order total is not being passed to Google Checkout from the shopping cart page. I was only able to test it once, since the module worked once then suddenly stopped working... see #2 below. Any thoughts there will be appreciated.


Second, and most important, the buySAFE verified icon is showing-up only UNTIL I arrive at my shopping cart page. THen, it disappears, and NO buySAFE option is presented.


Any help is appreciated!




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Received an email from a customer. Apparently when you try to use the Paypal checkout button (instant payment, w/o making an account on my site) you get the following error:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class soap_fault in /hsphere/local/home/rodrico/eratoys.com/catalog/pear/Services/PayPal/SOAP/Fault.php on line 33


Here is the code from where the error message is coming from:

class SOAP_Fault extends PEAR_Error


Obviously I need the paypal and my credit card function or I get no sales at all. (DOES NOT allow credit card transactions either. Get same message.


I am going to disable the Buysafe module and see if it works. I need to change the name of a file in the buysafe module. I know many people use this same Paypal/Credit Card module for payments.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Chris,


I have installed buySAFE. After double and sometimes triple checking all installation procedures, This osCommerce buySAFE contribution is not working like it is suppose to. It could be my installation, but I can't find anything wrong with the installation.


I'm using osCommerce 2.2-MS2. I will explain what looks like its not operating correctly.


1.) Testing the module in Admin continuously fails even after updating edits.


2.) The seal is available in shopping_cart.php and checkoout_payment.php. A bond can be activated and cancelled on these pages. Everything seems to go ok until I reach checkout_confirmation.php page. On this page, if I activate the purchase of a bond on the previous page it shows up in the checkout_confirmation.php page shopping cart box with the correct subtotal, but this subtotal is not showing up in the Billing Information section. The only thing about buySAFE that shows up in this section is a statement link to learn more about buySAFE, nothing more.


Well, that's it. Please help.



osCommerce V. 2.3.4BS

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The fact that the seal appears on your site and in the cart indicates that the authentication data you have entered is valid.

It looks like there is a bug in the module that shows an authentication failure for some users even when the authentication data is in fact correct.


As for your second problem, in your osCommerce admin, check your order total modules. You'll probably see that the sort order for the buySAFE module is the same as the sort order for another module. Change the sort order for the module so that it doesn't match another module's sort order and the problem should be fixed.


Let me know if this doesn't help.






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As for your second problem, in your osCommerce admin, check your order total modules. You'll probably see that the sort order for the buySAFE module is the same as the sort order for another module. Change the sort order for the module so that it doesn't match another module's sort order and the problem should be fixed.


Let me know if this doesn't help.









I changed the sort order for the module and it corrected the problem.

But now I have some other problems I am working on. Thanks for your help.



osCommerce V. 2.3.4BS

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  • 5 weeks later...

I am glad there is a topic on buySAFE here as it allows us to discuss the value of this service.


There is a big push to merchants to tell them it is free but we all know nothing is free. It takes a lot of digging on the buySAFE site to find out the whole story which is mostly on the Customer pages. Because it is the customer who is paying for this service if it is actually used.


To put it simply buySAFE is really about selling "insurance". In a manner of how they sell it in electronics store for extended warranty. While it might cover different events, the money is made on all those policies where no claims are made.


What matters to buySAFE is that bonds are bought by our customers. That is what they want. It also matters if claims are made. That is what they don't want. I'd love to know what happens to us "free" merchants if we end up with claims.


From my perspective, micro business sites such as what osCommerce supports, are unpaid advertisers for buySAFE.


I would rather lose a sale than make my customers think they need such insurance.

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To put it simply buySAFE is really about selling "insurance". In a manner of how they sell it in electronics store for extended warranty. While it might cover different events, the money is made on all those policies where no claims are made.


What matters to buySAFE is that bonds are bought by our customers. That is what they want. It also matters if claims are made. That is what they don't want. I'd love to know what happens to us "free" merchants if we end up with claims.




Actually buySAFE is not about "selling insurance" but "selling bonds." There is a difference. From my investigation I read the fine print; if a buyer buys a bond on a purchase and is not happy with the puchase and cannot resolve his problem with the seller, he can eventually make a claim with buySAFE who acts as a mediator and if buySAFE cannot resolve the issue it is handed over to a surety company that will investigate and if they believe that the seller has not acted in a fair manner with the buyer, they can compensate the buyer on that purchase. Now here is the revealing part that shows that buySAFE is not selling insurance. If the surety company compensates the buyer on their claim, the surety company will seek to recover the costs from the seller what they paid out to the buyer. READ THE FINE PRINT. The following is from buySAFE's Surety Terms and Conditions page as of 7/4/07:


"If a buyer has been unable to resolve his problem transaction with you, via the buySAFE Dispute Resolution Process or otherwise, and files a claim with one or more of the Sureties seeking payment under a Bond, the Sureties will investigate the claim and may take action to compensate such buyer for his or her loss (e.g. provide buyer a replacement product or refund the full purchase price) and then seek recovery from You as provided for in the Indemnification Section (see below)."


Ideally, of course, if you being a good seller, it should never come to this, but there is still a trust that you are by law providing to the surety company that may not rule in your favor to your satisfaction.



osCommerce V. 2.3.4BS

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just installed and ran some tests. seems to all be in place and functioning, but when i try to pay via real-time credit card (linkpoint) this decline message is generated:


There has been an error processing your credit card, please try again : SGS-002301: Charge total must be the sum of subtotal, tax, value added tax, and shipping.


guess it doesnt like the extra item in the price?



also, i have the paypal ipn module installed. when i use this to checkout, the order total (including buysafe bond) is passed to paypal, but since the checkout confirm page is bypassed, does the buysafe purchase get applied?


thanks and looking forward to getting this live :)

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  • 2 weeks later...



I installed the module today and it all seems to be working fine. Just one tiny issue ... the product pages don't have the buySafe logo in the upper left. Site authenticates fine, logo IS on home page and in cart and should issue bonds fine, but the logo does not show up on the upper left for product pages: retail.homebizlifestyles.com







NEVER MIND ... its the subdomain messing with it, will go change admin in buysafe to reauthenticate with absolute address. left the post for others to learn.

Edited by benjaminjdavis
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  • 1 month later...



I was hving problems with the buysayfe logo showing up again. So I uninstall the module and reinstalled it. When I pulled my seal info and store data from the buysafe site and copied them into my admin module, I got an error message that the seal data was invalid when I tried to update.


WHere is my problem?





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I have osCommerce 2.2 rc1 with STS 4.5 installed. Is this module compatible? I downloaded the module that Buysafe has on their site (version 1.0) . I follow the instructions and they seem simple enough until I come across this one. I have to find the following code in \admin\index.php and add new code after it. However, the original code doesn't even exist in my index.php. I am looking to see if anyone else has successfully installed this onto their rc1 site or figure out what I need to do with this. Is it OK, to just add ithe whole thing to the bottom of the script (may or may not be a stupid idea)? The code they have is:



1) After code:


$contents = array();


if (getenv('HTTPS') == 'on') {

$size = ((getenv('SSL_CIPHER_ALGKEYSIZE')) ? getenv('SSL_CIPHER_ALGKEYSIZE') . '-bit' : '<i>' . BOX_CONNECTION_UNKNOWN . '</i>');

$contents[] = array('params' => 'class="infoBox"',

'text' => tep_image(DIR_WS_ICONS . 'locked.gif', ICON_LOCKED, '', '', 'align="right"') . sprintf(BOX_CONNECTION_PROTECTED, $size));

} else {

$contents[] = array('params' => 'class="infoBox"',

'text' => tep_image(DIR_WS_ICONS . 'unlocked.gif', ICON_UNLOCKED, '', '', 'align="right"') . BOX_CONNECTION_UNPROTECTED);



$box = new box;

echo $box->tableBlock($contents);




// {{ buySAFE Module

$contents = array();


$contents[] = array('params' => 'align="center"',

'text' => '<table cellpadding="10"><tr><td align="center" class="sub"><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_MODULES, 'selected_box=modules&set=buySAFE') . '" alt="buySAFE"><img src="https://seal.buysafe.com/private/rollover/images/buySAFE_logo.gif" name="Install buySAFE" border="0"></a><br>Setup buySAFE<br><script type="text/javascript" src="https://seal.buysafe.com/private/rollover/rollover.js"></script></td></tr></table>');


$box = new box;

echo $box->tableBlock($contents);

// }}



I'm hoping someone can figure this out or tell me that this copy (ver 0.9) is working on OSC rc1.




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Just wanted to know if anyone could address my previous question. I still have not been able to figure it out. The code doesn't exist on index.php and I do not know where I should put it in my OSC 2.2 rc1.


Has anyone else installed this successfully on this OSC version?

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I installed ver 0.9 and got further with the installation. Everything seemed to install correctly, except when I tested it, I purchsed a product from my site, and when I was heading to the comfirm page, I get this error:


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /homepages/21/d202393536/htdocs/wii/catalog/checkout_process.php on line 101



line 101 in checkout_process.php is:


$checkout_result = $buysafe_module->call_api('SetShoppingCartCheckout', $checkout_params);



Can anyone help me with this?

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