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The e-commerce.

Paypal / OSC


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Hello from Canada.

This is my FIRST time in a group and my first time setting up OSC and paypay.


So everything is working fine evcept when I check out to paypal the price and product dosen't carry over to paypal.


Can someone please help me through this.


Thanks in advance



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Hello from Canada.

This is my FIRST time in a group and my first time setting up OSC and paypay.


So everything is working fine evcept when I check out to paypal the price and product dosen't carry over to paypal.


Can someone please help me through this.


Thanks in advance




Sorry Lola but I am a novis at this.

To clear the issues everything seems to work, I can process the order on the shopping cart side go through the check out processn verift the addresses and in fact frocess a payment to the client once I am on the paypal site but the quanty and priceing is not carried over from the shopping cart to the paypal site the fields are blank. I can enter the price manually and complete the transaction but this is not the way it should work as you know.

Can you help???


Thanks in advance.



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Sorry Lola but I am a novis at this.

To clear the issues everything seems to work, I can process the order on the shopping cart side go through the check out processn verift the addresses and in fact frocess a payment to the client once I am on the paypal site but the quanty and priceing is not carried over from the shopping cart to the paypal site the fields are blank. I can enter the price manually and complete the transaction but this is not the way it should work as you know.

Can you help???


Thanks in advance.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Tocos,


Did you end up fixing this problem?

I have exactly the same problem and have spent months searching for a solution.

Please let me know if you found a way for paypal to receive total amount and products purchased.

Thanking you in advance and hope youve had better luck at solving this problem.

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