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Customers cant create an account


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Hey people


any ideas on the following:


Customers cant create an account. Neither can i!


What happens is that they click on continue when filling the form out, but it takes you to the 'advanced search.php' page!

Even when you clikc on 'LOGIN' in myaccount page!



Any ideas?

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check in /catalog/includes/filenames.php what filename is defined for FILENAME_LOGIN. The correct name should be login.php



The First Law of E-Commerce: If the user can't find the product, the user can't buy the product.


Feedback and suggestions on my shop welcome.


Note: My advice is based on my own experience or on something I read in these forums. No guarantee it'll work for you! Make sure that you always BACKUP the database and the files you are going to change so that you can rollback to a working version if things go wrong.

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check in /catalog/includes/filenames.php what filename is defined for FILENAME_LOGIN. The correct name should be login.php





hi yes it does. "define('FILENAME_LOGIN', 'login.php');"



it seems to be on clicking 'login' it takes you directly to advanced_search.php


have a go: http://www.sketchbagz.co.uk/shop/login.php


any other suggestions?

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just wanted to suggest the same :D

The First Law of E-Commerce: If the user can't find the product, the user can't buy the product.


Feedback and suggestions on my shop welcome.


Note: My advice is based on my own experience or on something I read in these forums. No guarantee it'll work for you! Make sure that you always BACKUP the database and the files you are going to change so that you can rollback to a working version if things go wrong.

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sorry im confused, what do you mean?

which part of my answer you do not understand? Do you know the the quick search form? Should be typically in your catalog\includes\boxes\search.php with the stock osc. Now you have a template so I cannot be certain (maybe header.php).


Typically when you get a template you would expect the basic cart functionality to work.

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which part of my answer you do not understand? Do you know the the quick search form? Should be typically in your catalog\includes\boxes\search.php with the stock osc. Now you have a template so I cannot be certain (maybe header.php).


Typically when you get a template you would expect the basic cart functionality to work.



The quick search box is located in the header.php. just to clarify, this is the one located next to the 'go' and 'home' buttons etc.


How does this affect the shopping cart?

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The quick search box is located in the header.php. just to clarify, this is the one located next to the 'go' and 'home' buttons etc.


How does this affect the shopping cart?


Just one incorrect html or php tag can affect everything in your store. From the layout to the forms submission etc. If the quick search form is in header.php you need to edit the file, locate where the code emits the <form> tag and when it finishes it should emit </form>. Otherwise other forms inside the page wont work.


I would suggest to use the w3c validator to make sure your pages come up green.


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Just one incorrect html or php tag can affect everything in your store. From the layout to the forms submission etc. If the quick search form is in header.php you need to edit the file, locate where the code emits the <form> tag and when it finishes it should emit </form>. Otherwise other forms inside the page wont work.


I would suggest to use the w3c validator to make sure your pages come up green.




yeh it is finished off.


<? // SEARCH ?>

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>

<?=tep_draw_form('quick_find', tep_href_link(FILENAME_ADVANCED_SEARCH_RESULT, '', 'NONSSL', false), 'get')?>


<td height=6></td>




<?=tep_draw_input_field('keywords', '', 'size="20" maxlength="30" class=se2') . ' ' . tep_hide_session_id()?>


<td>    <input name="image" type=image src=images/m13.gif></td>



<? // END SEARCH ?>



that validator came up with 99 errors!

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