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The e-commerce.

New Equestrian Store


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Please check out my oscommerse store and let me know what you think. We are online retailers of products for the horse and rider.



We are still creating new products, so here is an example of what we consider to be a finished page:

Flexi Rein


Many of the other pages will be improved shortly.


I have made quite a few changes to the first screen so it shouldn't strike you immediately as being oscommerse, but it still uses all the existing code as you will see from the shopping cart and checkout screens etc.


I have been trying to incorporate changes (from the contributions section) to make it more search engine friendly. Please say if I have missed anything important that would hold the store back.


p.s. I have submitted a request to oscommerse a couple of times to add me to their list of stores. Is that list still maintained as I have never been included.


In the future I would like to make further change to the HTML to make the site more accessible. I think it uses too many tables at the moment.




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Nice design, ghastly pink. Overall I like it a lot.

Congrats on giving decent contact info. Just one thing though. What is Cheeky Mare? Is it a trading name of sole trader or a limited company? I think you have to give just a little more information.

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