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2 quick questions for a newbie...


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Hi all,


First question.


Is it possible for me to 'shut' the shop while I am building it? and once it is finished then 'open' it up for public use?


Second question.


I have installed my site ready to setup but do not have a secure server certificate. If I buy a secure certificate from my provider how do I tell OsC that it is now secure? Or can this only be done during the original setup?


In fact do I need a secure certificate if I am going to use paypal/google checkout to accept payments?


Thanks all, looking forward to using osc

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First answer:

You can use this contribution available at http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...rch,maintenance


Second answer:

Yes, you need SSL if you want to tell your cstomers that it's secure. You buy a secure certificate from your provider and ask them to install for you. Then you need to configure the SSL in /includes/configure.php file.


No, you can skip SSL if you not going to collect any data from your customers.

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