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How to disable footer.php during the checkout page


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Hi, I install the SSL trust logo under footer.php so it should show up in all the pages while a buyer is surfing the website. But when I click checkout, it brings them from http to https page, at this moment, there is a pop up window saying "some of the contents you are going to view is non-secure". I know it is due to the SSL logo installed in footer.php. So is there a way to disable footer.php from showing up in the checkout page? Or is there another place which is better for installing the trust logo?

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where is this trust logo located? if it's on same server as site then it shouldn't be a problem if you linked the image correctly, because the script will automatically change from http to https.


but you can set that if there is a secure connection not to show footer. But I don't really suggest this, because if you gonna use this then you set on/off for the image. You can do this by:


if ($request_type == 'NONSSL') {
echo 'your image';


so now it the connection is normal (not ssl) the image will be showed...

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