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help with TVAintracom_v5 needed

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I need to be able to charge no VAt to companies in the EU, so i guess I am at last at the right contribution with this: tvaintracom_v5?


I am so sorry that I am apparently really stupid with this, but I don't understand the instructions of the tvaintracom_5 concerning the changes in the database:


1/ In you database

Please use the following files TVA_intracom_v3.3_English.sql in order to put these

records in your database: 1 record in 'configuration_group' table, 3 records in 'configuration' table and one more

field in these two tables: entry_tva_intracom in 'address_book' table & billing_tva_intracom in 'orders' table:


>>For 'configuration_group' table, please enter this line:

INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES ('16', 'Intracom VAT', 'Intracom VAT options', '16', '1');


>>For 'configuration' table, please enter these two lines:


INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Check the Intracom VAT number', 'ENTRY_TVA_INTRACOM_CHECK', 'false', 'Check the Customers Intracom VAT number by the europa.eu.int server', '16', '1', '', '', NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Intracom VAT number of the store', 'TVA_SHOP_INTRACOM', '', 'Intracom VAT number:', 16, 22, '', '', NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Minimum caracts for Intracom VAT', 'ENTRY_TVA_INTRACOM_MIN_LENGTH', 10, 'Required characters for VAT Number (0 if you do not want checking)', 16, 17, '', '', NULL, NULL);



# For adding fields in database in order to stock VAT numbver of your shop, in 'orders' table


ALTER TABLE address_book ADD entry_tva_intracom VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL AFTER entry_company;

ALTER TABLE orders ADD billing_tva_intracom VARCHAR(32) AFTER billing_company;


Does that mean that I just have to run the sql file for French and the sql file for English in my database and i am done, or do i have to change the fields manually? If this is the case how do I do that? Please help I am really not very familiar with the myphpadmin...Any link to a thread that could help is also very appreciated, but I don't find anything.


Thanks a lot in advance,


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Ok since nobody gave me an answer I just dared to run the queries one by one and it seems to be fine, only that apparently you're only supposed to run either the English or the French one...???Or am I wrong on that one?


I just really don't feel good every time I have to change something in my database directly...hope the rest runs as smoothly as those sql queries.





I need to be able to charge no VAt to companies in the EU, so i guess I am at last at the right contribution with this: tvaintracom_v5?


I am so sorry that I am apparently really stupid with this, but I don't understand the instructions of the tvaintracom_5 concerning the changes in the database:


1/ In you database

Please use the following files TVA_intracom_v3.3_English.sql in order to put these

records in your database: 1 record in 'configuration_group' table, 3 records in 'configuration' table and one more

field in these two tables: entry_tva_intracom in 'address_book' table & billing_tva_intracom in 'orders' table:


>>For 'configuration_group' table, please enter this line:

INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES ('16', 'Intracom VAT', 'Intracom VAT options', '16', '1');


>>For 'configuration' table, please enter these two lines:


INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Check the Intracom VAT number', 'ENTRY_TVA_INTRACOM_CHECK', 'false', 'Check the Customers Intracom VAT number by the europa.eu.int server', '16', '1', '', '', NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Intracom VAT number of the store', 'TVA_SHOP_INTRACOM', '', 'Intracom VAT number:', 16, 22, '', '', NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Minimum caracts for Intracom VAT', 'ENTRY_TVA_INTRACOM_MIN_LENGTH', 10, 'Required characters for VAT Number (0 if you do not want checking)', 16, 17, '', '', NULL, NULL);

# For adding fields in database in order to stock VAT numbver of your shop, in 'orders' table


ALTER TABLE address_book ADD entry_tva_intracom VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL AFTER entry_company;

ALTER TABLE orders ADD billing_tva_intracom VARCHAR(32) AFTER billing_company;


Does that mean that I just have to run the sql file for French and the sql file for English in my database and i am done, or do i have to change the fields manually? If this is the case how do I do that? Please help I am really not very familiar with the myphpadmin...Any link to a thread that could help is also very appreciated, but I don't find anything.


Thanks a lot in advance,


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