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Bug with Ultimate SEO contribution


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I just installed Ultimate SEO to my server but since then I have problem,

Every time I go to the catalog and first time that I click on a product or category, rather than going to that page it goes to the LOG IN page?!!!

But second time it is fine, any idea?

Many thaks in advance


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I just installed Ultimate SEO to my server but since then I have problem,

Every time I go to the catalog and first time that I click on a product or category, rather than going to that page it goes to the LOG IN page?!!!

But second time it is fine, any idea?

Many thaks in advance




By the Way this happens randomly, some times it doesn't happen but normally it happens when I visit the directory first time, when I click on Category, or a Product, or New Products.


Any idea PLEASE,

Here is the site;


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I just installed Ultimate SEO to my server but since then I have problem,

Every time I go to the catalog and first time that I click on a product or category, rather than going to that page it goes to the LOG IN page?!!!

But second time it is fine, any idea?

Many thaks in advance


well, I don't see the Utlimate SEO urls installed/active. I see you're using the stock osc sefs. And that can cause problems. So switch it off. (osc Admin->Configuration->My Store->Use search-engine safe urls set it to false).


Also you're hard-coding links to your store. Better to use the tep_href_link function so your sessions are maintained.

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well, I don't see the Utlimate SEO urls installed/active. I see you're using the stock osc sefs. And that can cause problems. So switch it off. (osc Admin->Configuration->My Store->Use search-engine safe urls set it to false).


Also you're hard-coding links to your store. Better to use the tep_href_link function so your sessions are maintained.


Thanks for your inupt, I changed "Use search-engine safe urls" to false but it still happens.


By the way how can I change the links to "tep_href_link function", Would you please give me an example? I want to have links to each category, and Subcategory! How do I found those links?

Many thanks in advance


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There is something wrong with your setup, because when you mouse over a link with Ultimate SEO URL's it should show the rewritten link - but yours show normal cPaths until clicked on when they change over to the SEO URL paths.



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There is something wrong with your setup, because when you mouse over a link with Ultimate SEO URL's it should show the rewritten link - but yours show normal cPaths until clicked on when they change over to the SEO URL paths.





I know, but I am trying to find out what the problem is!

Any idea at all



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There is something wrong with your setup, because when you mouse over a link with Ultimate SEO URL's it should show the rewritten link - but yours show normal cPaths until clicked on when they change over to the SEO URL paths.





Which part of my set up you think is worng?



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