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E-Gold Security


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Basic security

This is measures you should allways take.

1. Never enter your passphrase anywhere except your browser and automation programs that you trust (ie. EHC or autopay software).

2. Allways check that the address-bar is exactly "https://www.e-gold.com/acct/login.asp" before entering your password.

3. Keep your software updated to make sure you have the latest security bugs fixed.


Medium security

1. Use a random passphrase generator to make you a passphrase

2. Copy and paste your passphrase instead of entering it, this way you prevent keyloggers from recording it. On the other hand you need to save it somewhere where you copy from, so you enable worms that can get files.

3. Use anti-virus (do not use Norton, email me if you wonder why) and firewall software (ie. zonealarm), and keep it updated.


High security

1. Split your funds into several seperate accounts, this way even if an account is emtied out your loss will be rather limited. On the other hand the risk of "getting hit" is larger.

2. Allways use the SRK-feature. This will prevent most keyloggers and worms from getting your passphrase. Technically it's still possible to fetch the passphrase, but highly unlikely.


E-book about e-gold [free]: Visit My Website

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