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Problems with directory structure


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About 6 months ago I decided to let my store rest due to some personal issues. Now, I'm trying to put it back up on my own server using Linux distro Suse 10.0, Apache2 web server, PHP 4.4, and MySql (not sure of version atm). I have some very weird things going on with the directory structure that make my site and even a new store straight from the downloads section unusable without quite a few changes in code.


Ok...I receive a warning (includes/configure.php) can't be found and it's being called from application_top.php. Now it seems to me that it is trying to look in rootfolder/catalog/includes/includes/configure.php instead of rootfolder/catalog/includes/configure.php. If I take the DIR_WS_INCLUDES out of

require (DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'configure.php')
all is well and it can find the file. It then continues to the next error and I have to do the same thing so it can find filenames.php.


I don't think it's my configure file (although I could be wrong and I'll take anything I can get here). Its like either Linux or PHP doesn't like starting from the root folder to find the required files. It starts from where the file is in relation to the the file that is calling for the information and not the top of the directory tree.


I mean if I have to go through and change all those instances I will, but it would make changing folder names to alter the directory structure later a very big hassle. Plus, I know it's not supposed to work that way out of the box.


Anyway, hopefully many people answer and I have many routes to try before I finally give up and recode all those little snippets.



Thanks in advance.



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I installed php5 in my server and it seems to have fixed the problem. It's probably something with the php.ini and it fixed itself with the reinstallation of of php.


Thanks for your energy in helping me with this problem.



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