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The e-commerce.

Thelephone Orders...


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Exist an contribution to make a telephone order and send email for checkout payment by cc or bank trasfer?



I don't see any contributions for this.


I built a site for my local chinese restaurant for delivery/take-away only. I used one of the SMS contribs for this & all they had to do was check their email and send the order through to the kitchen every time they got a message to their mobile. Their payment was cc, paypal, bank transfer & cod. I assume the SMS contrib would work for you. Failing that, why not have the phone number on the checkout page?

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  • 3 months later...



I actually need something quite similar but dun know which sms contri you are talking about.....


I need to accept orders over an actual physical store and use SMS to update the online store as if there is an actual sale over the online store.

In order words, at the online store, stocks are updated, sales registered and paid, etc.


Can this be done?

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I actually need something quite similar but dun know which sms contri you are talking about.....


I need to accept orders over an actual physical store and use SMS to update the online store as if there is an actual sale over the online store.

In order words, at the online store, stocks are updated, sales registered and paid, etc.


Can this be done?

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