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strange prices for downloads...


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I'm just setting up downloads for my site and have it set so that downloads reduce the price. It's seems to have a strange glitch though.

Just for testing purposes I created an item at the cost of £1.00 and the download to reduce it by 50pence. Funny thing is when I go to the item page it says -£0.54 instead of -£0.50. The same happens if I change it to increase the price.

Is there something I can do about this??


I thought it might be something to do with my currency settings, although GBP is my default and is set to 1.00 so shouldn't change it at all...

here's an image of my currency settings:



and here's my download attribute settings:




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just tried changing the prices.. it seems like it's adding 4pence to the value forevery 50pence I put it as.

when I changed it to -£1.00 it showed up as -£1.08

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just tried changing the prices.. it seems like it's adding 4pence to the value forevery 50pence I put it as.

when I changed it to -£1.00 it showed up as -£1.08



How did you set the british pound as default???

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just tried changing the prices.. it seems like it's adding 4pence to the value forevery 50pence I put it as.

when I changed it to -£1.00 it showed up as -£1.08


You don't have a tax rate set in your configuration do you?

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How did you set the british pound as default???

go to admin, localization, currencies. Then click on GBP and edit. (I think you may need to add GBP) Once set tick the 'set as default' checkbox.

Here's an image of the settings I've used (make sure value is 1.0...):





You don't have a tax rate set in your configuration do you?

ah. It was because I had tax set.. I've turned it off for that item.. I'll probably leave it off altogether actually, as all items will be taxed so the prices will include that.

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