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this problem appears to have no solution


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Having spent about three days trying to find an answer to a problem experienced by many osc users I have come to the conclusion that no one has a blood y clue how to resolve this...so if anyone reads this and can then i would put you on a level with god.


I sell digital downloads (music). When a customer purchases a song without creating an account the payment process is handled smoothly..they get to checkout_success and text which says 'download your product here and a box with the song. expiry date and remaining downloads...but no bloody link to download...


I am sure it must be a simple solution but no one is coming up with it....please help and stop my cutomers coming back and complaining and me having to physically email the song to them...


I await with baited breath...if anyone needs a screenshop i can email it to them

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Do the filenames in the download link match the actual filenames exactly? Check the case, it may matter...


I know it sounds completely obvious, but I had the exact same problem for about a week!



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they do as i copy and paste the file name into product attributes. It must be the same filenames as customers who create an account do not have a problem. It's only those who purchase without creating one




Do the filenames in the download link match the actual filenames exactly? Check the case, it may matter...


I know it sounds completely obvious, but I had the exact same problem for about a week!



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