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SPG Music

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hey guys,


the problem i have is, when my customer bought an item for some reason it did not show on OSCOMMERCE. i knew he was a customer that bought something because he had already sent me money on paypal. Could there be a bug or someway to find out how to fix this ?

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Sounds like a common problem experienced when a customer checks out and pays using paypal and doesn't follow back to your shop to get the checkout_success page displayed. This is when the order is logged in osC.


You can fix this by installing the paypal IPN contribution and changing your settings in your paypal account or by adding some kind of order logging contribution. There are lots of ways, just check the forum for paypal and order and you'll get lots of information.



The First Law of E-Commerce: If the user can't find the product, the user can't buy the product.


Feedback and suggestions on my shop welcome.


Note: My advice is based on my own experience or on something I read in these forums. No guarantee it'll work for you! Make sure that you always BACKUP the database and the files you are going to change so that you can rollback to a working version if things go wrong.

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does anyone know how to setup a paypal cart. i already have a payment method using paypal but when it checks out to paypal it doesnt show the items they purchased. anyone know what im talking about?

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does anyone know how to setup a paypal cart. i already have a payment method using paypal but when it checks out to paypal it doesnt show the items they purchased. anyone know what im talking about?

Listen to the advice and install a paypal ipn contrib.

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If you are using the last version by Terra (unless you have QTPro) of this contribution:


there is definitely an instruction included.



The First Law of E-Commerce: If the user can't find the product, the user can't buy the product.


Feedback and suggestions on my shop welcome.


Note: My advice is based on my own experience or on something I read in these forums. No guarantee it'll work for you! Make sure that you always BACKUP the database and the files you are going to change so that you can rollback to a working version if things go wrong.

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Not sure if you read the installation file:

Transaction Type


This allows you to define how the transactions should be processed at PayPal - either with each product in the order being passed to PayPal (Per Item), or without the products with just the order totals being passed to PayPal (Aggregate).


The recommended setting is Aggregate. Per item can cause problems, especially when used together with contributions such as CCGV(trad).

Move tax to total


Do you want to move the tax to the total amount? If true PayPal will allways show the total amount including tax. (needs Aggregate instead of Per Item to function). Recommended setting is "True".


If you set the contrib in admin to "per item", the customer gets an itemised receipt from paypal, with "aggregate" they don't.


The interesting bit is that you have a record in your database with status "preparing paypal IPN" when a customer follows the paypal payment link. If he pays, the status is updated automatically. If he pays, but doesn't return to your shop, he only gets the paypal receipt and no order confirmation from your shop. If he returns to your shop, he receives your order confirmation plus the paypal receipt. Like this you know at least what they paid for.



The First Law of E-Commerce: If the user can't find the product, the user can't buy the product.


Feedback and suggestions on my shop welcome.


Note: My advice is based on my own experience or on something I read in these forums. No guarantee it'll work for you! Make sure that you always BACKUP the database and the files you are going to change so that you can rollback to a working version if things go wrong.

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