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The e-commerce.

Initial Administratoo Sign In


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1. I've installed the application from GoDaddy


2. Made the changes to the attributes of the files


3. Copied all 114 pages of the manual.


HOWEVER, when I open up the program I'm given a prototype of the application. I don't see where the administrator would log in. The material mentioned a directory called admin/install (or something like that)... I don' t see loaded it three times and I still don't see it.


Lastly, the only log in I see ask for a email address for the user name. I entered the email address from where I signed in but that doesn't look valid.


My question, where or how does the administrator log in.



Wolfgang :lol: :lol:

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If your URL is http://www.mystore.com and it is pointing to the OSCommerce folder then all you have to do is type in http://www.mystore.com/admin

If that doesn't work you have to edit the URL to point to the oscommerce directory... like http://www.mystore/oscommerce/admin


There is no link on the main page to the admin site, that would be too much of an open door. The user name/password will be what you set up with GoDaddy

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Thanks so much, that makes sense... I didn't see that anywhere in the documentation.


Thanks again,



If your URL is http://www.mystore.com and it is pointing to the OSCommerce folder then all you have to do is type in http://www.mystore.com/admin

If that doesn't work you have to edit the URL to point to the oscommerce directory... like http://www.mystore/oscommerce/admin


There is no link on the main page to the admin site, that would be too much of an open door. The user name/password will be what you set up with GoDaddy

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everything on my website is going well >>> buts :


1- there is message it came with red color say :

'' Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: d:\\www\\mdmmdm\\wwwroot\\x07/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.''


and even I changed the attributes for includes/configure.php file using WS-FTP it gave me the same message.


2- I can enter directly to my admin page and any one can do it !!!! just need to sign in and get in easily but with this way is very difficult for securing the work and then anybody can change my settings.


3- how I can change the permissions for different users and how I can know I'm the administrator or moderate or user.


my website is www.mdm-china.com/X07

and anybody can visit my admin page on www.mdm-china.com/X07/admin



you are welcome :(


if anybody can help please add me on your hotmail or yahoo m8d1m



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everything on my website is going well >>> buts :


1- there is message it came with red color say :

'' Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: d:\\www\\mdmmdm\\wwwroot\\x07/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.''


and even I changed the attributes for includes/configure.php file using WS-FTP it gave me the same message.


2- I can enter directly to my admin page and any one can do it !!!! just need to sign in and get in easily but with this way is very difficult for securing the work and then anybody can change my settings.


3- how I can change the permissions for different users and how I can know I'm the administrator or moderate or user.


my website is www.mdm-china.com/X07

and anybody can visit my admin page on www.mdm-china.com/X07/admin

you are welcome :(


if anybody can help please add me on your hotmail or yahoo m8d1m





Same problem here too ...

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