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How to get http://WWW.mysite.com


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What do you have to change in the includes/configure.php file? I'm having the same problem.





My includes/configure.php file has the www. in my links so where else do I need to check? Will this hurt my indexing and page rank with google? Google isn't indexing all of my products. I have 1498 products, and with the WWW. google only has 72 links to my site. Without the WWW. it has 582. I also just dropped from a page rank of 4 to a 3. I'm using the Ultimate Seo Url's, Header Tags, googleSitemap, and submitting to googlebase. Can some please look at my site and tell me what's wrong? Also I need to know how to add the www. in my urls. My site is http://www.cootersautomanuals.com.





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in the config file look for the line that is

define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.cootersautomanuals.com);

make sure it has the www in it. You also need to change in the admin/includes/configure.php file as well


For the goolge sitemap check that one by running the script, then copying it and pasting it into a file with an .xml extension then upload and view through your browser. It will show you the urls, if they have the www in them and also if there are any errors in the .xml file which could be the problem. for a sitemap to work properly there should not be an & in the url - for example:


catalog/product_info.php?cPath=31&products_id=84 would give an error as the & should be & # 3 8 ; (without the spaces)

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My includes/configure.php file has the www. in my links so where else do I need to check? Will this hurt my indexing and page rank with google? Google isn't indexing all of my products. I have 1498 products, and with the WWW. google only has 72 links to my site. Without the WWW. it has 582. I also just dropped from a page rank of 4 to a 3. I'm using the Ultimate Seo Url's, Header Tags, googleSitemap, and submitting to googlebase. Can some please look at my site and tell me what's wrong? Also I need to know how to add the www. in my urls. My site is http://www.cootersautomanuals.com.





Yes, it will hurt. You need to use one or the other (with or without www). I would go without the www since more of those are already indexed. Besides changing your configure file, you will need to rerun your google sitemap (be sure to log into your google account to make sure they have the properly sitemaps). run googlebase (be sure you have set the urls in that file properly) and add a redirect inthe .htaccess file to make it use either www or not (depedning on which way you decide to go).



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  • 3 weeks later...
Yes, it will hurt. You need to use one or the other (with or without www). I would go without the www since more of those are already indexed. Besides changing your configure file, you will need to rerun your google sitemap (be sure to log into your google account to make sure they have the properly sitemaps). run googlebase (be sure you have set the urls in that file properly) and add a redirect inthe .htaccess file to make it use either www or not (depedning on which way you decide to go).





Which .htaccess file do I need to change, and what redirect script do I put in it to use without the www.

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