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links on left not working


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All i did is open up the Contact_us file and save it as about_us, then make the necessary changes.


whats in the conditions.php file?


what is it that i need to do?



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Ok so i opened conditions.php and copied the info from it and put it in the about_us file, and now when clicked it goes to blank screen..



any ideas?

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You also need to create a language file - about_us.php as per conditions.php in /catalog/includes/languages/english/conditions.php


then in /catalog/includes/languages/english.php you have to create a line as per:


define('HEADER_TITLE_ABOUT_US', 'About Us');



There's no special reason I recommended basing it on conditions.php


I think that's it......

Unexpect the Expected

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also - don,t forget, in about_us.php change:



  require(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . FILENAME_CONDITIONS);

 $location = ' » <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONDITIONS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="headerNavigation">' . NAVBAR_TITLE . '</a>';



  require(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . FILENAME_ABOUT_US);

 $location = ' » <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ABOUT_US, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="headerNavigation">' . NAVBAR_TITLE . '</a>';

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I dont have a english.php in the languages/english directory

there is one in the languages directory, is that what you are talking about?


I have the About_us.php in the languages/english directory and its just like the conditions file, except for the file name itsself in the code, i did change that to about_us


also that code you said i needed to change, i dont see it in the about_us.php or the conditions.php file, where would that code be?





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