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The e-commerce.

Creating your own availablity option


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I am developing a jewelry store online.

I am creating a new module that will search a database for certain abailability optons add-ons to certain products.

How can I connect that so those prices will be added to those products. and also given desciption in the shopping cart.




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If I understand correctly you need 'options' that are searchable?

Stock osCommerce can not handle that. You can give products options and charge additional prices for that but you can't search the products attributes.

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I am creating my own search, separate from osc Stock.

And I want those values to append to certain product as a option avalibility.

Ex. Initial Info is:

Color - xxxx

Clarity - xxxxx

Price - xxx

After search:

Color is E

Clarity is VVS1

Price is 280

Needs to be added as a regular available optoin to dabase


Initialy Those options are created with xxxx values and then needs to be updated on the fly with values from the search


Any sygestions



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