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Tell A Friend About '%s'


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I get '%s' instead of the products name when I click on the tell a fiend link. Does anyone know the solution to this problem? thanks

Well if I wanted to tell a *fiend*, then perhaps %s is a good message :lol: :D :P ;)


But seriously, I do not use the tell-a-friend feature so I am not familiar with what happens, so perhaps you could be more specific -- where does the %s show up? -- on the screen, or the message that the person receives? Have you made any modifications to the tell-a-friend functionality? If you have not, then perhaps try replacing the tell_a_friend.php with a fresh copy. Otherwise, post some more specific information and perhaps you'll get more response.

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here is my tell_a_friend.php that is the language folder:


 $Id: tell_a_friend.php,v 1.2 2004/03/05 00:36:42 ccwjr Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License

define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Tell A Friend');

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Tell A Friend About \'%s\'');

define('FORM_TITLE_CUSTOMER_DETAILS', 'Your Details');
define('FORM_TITLE_FRIEND_DETAILS', 'Your Friends Details');
define('FORM_TITLE_FRIEND_MESSAGE', 'Your Message');

define('FORM_FIELD_CUSTOMER_NAME', 'Your Name:');
define('FORM_FIELD_CUSTOMER_EMAIL', 'Your E-Mail Address:');
define('FORM_FIELD_FRIEND_NAME', 'Your Friends Name:');
define('FORM_FIELD_FRIEND_EMAIL', 'Your Friends E-Mail Address:');

define('TEXT_EMAIL_SUCCESSFUL_SENT', 'Your email about <b>%s</b> has been successfully sent to <b>%s</b>.');

define('TEXT_EMAIL_SUBJECT', 'Your friend %s has recommended this great product from %s');
define('TEXT_EMAIL_INTRO', 'Hi %s!' . "\n\n" . 'Your friend, %s, thought that you would be interested in %s from %s.');
define('TEXT_EMAIL_LINK', 'To view the product click on the link below or copy and paste the link into your web browser:' . "\n\n");
define('TEXT_EMAIL_LINK_ARTICLE', 'To view the article click on the link below or copy and paste the link into your web browser:' . "\n\n");
define('TEXT_EMAIL_LINK_TEXT', 'To view the product copy and paste the link into your web browser:' . "\n\n");
define('TEXT_EMAIL_LINK_ARTICLE_TEXT', 'To view the article copy and paste the link into your web browser:' . "\n\n");

define('TEXT_EMAIL_SIGNATURE', 'Regards,' . "\n\n");

define('ERROR_TO_NAME', 'Error: Your friends name must not be empty.');
define('ERROR_TO_ADDRESS', 'Error: Your friends e-mail address must be a valid e-mail address.');
define('ERROR_FROM_NAME', 'Error: Your name must not be empty.');
define('ERROR_FROM_ADDRESS', 'Error: Your e-mail address must be a valid e-mail address.');


thanks for the reply no one seems to know whats going on, I can't believe no one has had this problem before.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...
Has your problem been resolved, your not the only one with this issue I have just started using osc and found this same issue. If you have found a result please post for others like myself. Thanks


I'm having the same exact issue, if someone found a solution to this PLEASE post it =)

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