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How do I set up Email on osCommerce using my smtp mail account from my ISP?


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Hi !


Can someone pls tell me if I can use an external email account (that I can use with outlook to check my emails) to send/receive emails with osCommerce ?


I have tried http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,901 which sounds great but It does not send/receive any emails.





Do i have to modify something in php.ini or something like that ? (ive been reading through the forums)

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George P.

Yes oscommerce uses the php smtp...Their is a variable in the php.ini which you need to update...do a google on php.ini for linux and it will explain on how to set it up....On you admin side you will need to set the smtp varible look for email option...

I hope that helps



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here are my settings (with contrib 901 installed) :


In Catalog -> Admin -> Configuration -> E-mail Options :


E-Mail Transport Method smtp

E-Mail Linefeeds LF

Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails false

Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS false

Send E-Mails true

SMTP Server Host address mail.com

SMTP Server Helo (name ISP default empty) address

SMTP Server Port (default 25) address 25

SMTP Server use password address true

SMTP E-mail Username bob

SMTP E-mail Password emailpassword

SMTP Name address to use protocol SMTP [email protected]



In php.ini i have :


SMTP = mail.com

smtp_port = 25

sendmail_from = [email protected]



I doesnt work, should it? (maybe there is something I dont understand)

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