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[Contribution] SEO-G


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Hello there, and thanks for a great contribution.


I've made my own menu, for design matters, but I can't get it to work with SEO-G. It still links to '?cPath=id'.


It's a simple menu, that just loops through the database and checks for subcategories. No functions or arrays. Do I have to add anything to my script, or how do I fix this issue?


Thanks in advance.


Or can anyone tell me how the links should be made? I've tried almost everything that springs to mind, but I might have missed something in all my attempts..

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Or can anyone tell me how the links should be made? I've tried almost everything that springs to mind, but I might have missed something in all my attempts..


Nevermind, I managed to get it to work properly! :)

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Hi there,


There was so many post on this mod and I did a search for my problem but couldn't find it and I apologize if this has already been discussed. I am using this mod and I am using a datafeed from my whole sale which has 10K products.


Some of the products have the same product name but are different things but it is creating the same link for these products so no matter which product you click it goes to the first one created.


I know I can manually edit these but because of the number of products this could take forever. Is there a way to auto detect this and force it to add a number at the end like










Thanks for the hand.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi All


I've just installed the SEO-G installation into a clean OSCommerce platform. Seem to have had a few problems before it worked. It's been a long week. But all sorted now apart from one thing.


When I tried to use the search and advanced search options, neither is working, it is as if the form is incomplete. Has anybody had this problem before?


On another note.


I have been trying to see if I can include the phrase /product/ and /brand/ into the products and manufacturers link. Has anybody been able to achieve this. if so please can someone point me in the right direction so I can modifiy them.







I know there is another contribution which works this way which I'm currently using, but I've been unsucessful in adapting this for google xml sitemap feeds. getting fedup with the manual convertion when you have over 500 to do :blink: .


If anybody can help if some tells me that this contribution has the same problems I would very much appreciate it.



Edited by Shane Harrrison
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I've been running SEO-G on my Cre Loaded installation for about 8 months with no problems. Yesterday my host upgraded to PHP 5.2.11 and no I cannot get into the admin panel. I'm pretty sure it's related to SEO-G.


The error is:


Warning: require(admin) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/teesboxc/public_html/root.php on line 154


Warning: require(admin) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/teesboxc/public_html/root.php on line 154


Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'admin' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/teesboxc/public_html/root.php on line 154


Line 154 is:



Which comes just after:


	$g_seo_flag = true;


It was all working previously, so I'm not sure if it's something in the code that the new PHP version doesn't like. Anyone got any ideas?





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Hey dude, this whole system sounds great so I also employed it in my cart. I have installed the whole system by precisely making all the selections and following installation process as stated by u in your manual. Currently I am trying to install v1.20 the latest but my problem is none of the page gets mapped.


I mean I have added all the files via the controller but still when i go to controller > products it gives me an option to add categories and products. Did that a couple of times, in the backhand database as well the thing is getting imported and stuff


Thus installation is all done, but as soon as i activate the system by changing the actual master switch it stuffs up. It gives the new SEO url in the address bar but comes up with a 500 error saying - website under service or some programming in website going wrong.



Dude help me... i m in big trouble here.

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  • 2 months later...

i changed


$tmp_array = array_merge($HTTP_GET_VARS,$tmp_array);




$tmp_array = array_merge((array)$HTTP_GET_VARS,$tmp_array);


and no more errors received, but the urls are not show Search Engines Optimized, are displayed like


index_cpath-1.html for categories




product_info_products_id-1.html for products


I had the same problem on a clean install and learned that $HTTP_GET_VARS is depricated in PHP5 change it to $_GET and it will work.

Edited by jlb922
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...



SEO-G has been working great but is extremely slow. I have edited the configuration already and still it is very slow. I noted that when I go to G-Reports, I delete all and then the site is super fast for a few days. Then when the reports fill up again, the site is slow again.


My question is, how can I make my site fast? Below you can see my configuration on how I have it setup. Is there a way to simply not use the reports table? Or maybe run a cron to delete it every week or so? I dont have many products, but the system adds the links when they are added to cart, buy, etc and all those only slow down the system. Or is there a way for the system to only add the actual products without adding the add to cart, buy now links, etc? Any suggestions? How do businesses with thousands of products do it?


I have edited configuration as follows:

SEO-G Master Switch true

SEO-G Extension .html

SEO-G Error Header 404

SEO-G Redirect 404.php

SEO-G Strict Validation false

SEO-G Safe Mode false

SEO-G Auto Names Builder true

SEO-G Continuous Check false

SEO-G Process Secure Pages true

SEO-G Redirection Table false

SEO-G Parts Separator -

SEO-G Words Separator -

SEO-G Inner Separator -

SEO-G Minimum Words Length 1

mmmmmmmmmmmm. Doughnuts . . . haha. i said nuts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all.


Not sure if this is normal or not.


maybe problem file,


maybe problem line.




I'm currently creating a website and this contribution seems to work fine for me in all but one sollution.


I have just created a .htpasswrd file for the admin section, Since this I now get an error message if I fail to sucessfully log in after three time. Is this because it is looking for a folder and not a file?


Warning: require(admin) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/gellymold/rjavtest.com/root.php on line 154


Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'admin' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/gellymold/rjavtest.com/root.php on line 154


If I login within the three attempts, everything works without a hitch.


Is there anyway of creating a re-direct if the login is unsucessful? Just hate seeing these things




I've seen in this tread someone else having an issue with this line of coding


and they corrected it with


line 136

$tmp_array = array_merge((array)$HTTP_GET_VARS,$tmp_array);
$tmp_array = array_merge((array)$_GET,$tmp_array);

This has altered nothing that I can see, but I also see that under this line of text I see this


// Synchronize global arrays.
   $HTTP_GET_VARS = $_GET = $tmp_array;
   // Synchronize query string variables


does this need any modifcations?


Regards. Shane.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, excuse me for my english, i have a problem with my shop it appears a COOKIE USAGE problem when i have Force Cookie Use "False" and i did this too:





A You can't set "Force Cookie Use" to true when you use shared SSL so be sure that is FALSE


B Try this for the SSL cookie domain.

Try changing define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com'); to equal define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://secure.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com');



I think the problem is in the SEO-G addon, but no idea where


in admin >> SEO-G >> CONFIGURATION it appears: SEO-G Redirect cookie_usage.php (Default Redirect Page to be loaded when the header is set to a temp or permanent redirect (Like 301).)


so it haven´t been a cookie usage problem exactly, it just redirect to cookie_usage.php


I have also the same shop in the localhost on my computer and it works fine, I upload the same files on my localhost to my www shop and nothing.


I put the permission 755 on directories and 644 on all the rest of the files, except configure.php.


on my error_log i have many times this:



HP Fatal error:  require() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Failed opening required 'includes/classes/logger.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/surprise/public_html/tienda/includes/application_top.php on line 76



any idea?

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  • 1 month later...


I have a problem. Previously SEO-G worked good. After I removed all the urls that were created in the SEO-G and tried to re-create the urls, urls are not created properly. The created for products is for example

/product_info/products_id-9463/ instead of /productname/

For the categories the urls created is for example /index/cpath-11/ instead of /category name/

What can be wrong?

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  • 2 months later...



SEO-G has been working great but is extremely slow. I have edited the configuration already and still it is very slow. I noted that when I go to G-Reports, I delete all and then the site is super fast for a few days. Then when the reports fill up again, the site is slow again.


My question is, how can I make my site fast? Below you can see my configuration on how I have it setup. Is there a way to simply not use the reports table? Or maybe run a cron to delete it every week or so? I dont have many products, but the system adds the links when they are added to cart, buy, etc and all those only slow down the system. Or is there a way for the system to only add the actual products without adding the add to cart, buy now links, etc? Any suggestions? How do businesses with thousands of products do it?


I have edited configuration as follows:

SEO-G Master Switch true

SEO-G Extension .html

SEO-G Error Header 404

SEO-G Redirect 404.php

SEO-G Strict Validation false

SEO-G Safe Mode false

SEO-G Auto Names Builder true

SEO-G Continuous Check false

SEO-G Process Secure Pages true

SEO-G Redirection Table false

SEO-G Parts Separator -

SEO-G Words Separator -

SEO-G Inner Separator -

SEO-G Minimum Words Length 1



Looks like hundreds of people ask for help and not a single one gets answered. Kinda defeats the purpose of having a forum doesnt it? I know its all voluntary but if the only action in this thread is people asking for help and nobody answers them, why even bother having this thread? Its obviously non attended by anyone.


If anyone can explain this I would appreciate it a lot. Its been months since my last post. Hope it doesnt take another few months to get a reply.


SEO-G has a "G-Reports" link on the left admin. I have to manually go in EVERYDAY and delete all in order for site to not be so slow!


Can anyone tell me what this reports table is for and how I can disable it indefinitely without it affecting the contribution? Can it just read from the controller and not use this reports table?


Or at least tell me how to setup a cron to automatically delete all on a schedule? I really hate this reports section. Makes my site SUPER SLOW.





P.S. If you are reading this and its been a few weeks or months after it was posted . . . DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THIS CONTRIBUTION. IT HAS NO SUPPORT WHATSOEVER. Unless you're a developer and dont need support, you can consider it. If not, use at your own risk. You will be left high and dry with support.

mmmmmmmmmmmm. Doughnuts . . . haha. i said nuts.

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Looks like hundreds of people ask for help and not a single one gets answered. Kinda defeats the purpose of having a forum doesnt it? I know its all voluntary but if the only action in this thread is people asking for help and nobody answers them, why even bother having this thread? Its obviously non attended by anyone.


If anyone can explain this I would appreciate it a lot. Its been months since my last post. Hope it doesnt take another few months to get a reply.

Each contribution is generally supported by the person that wrote it or those that use it. The author of SEO-G hasn't been on the forums for several years and the contribution hasn't been updated during that time. When you use a contribution, you accept the risk that it may not be supported (may not even work). This one is basically dead unless someone decides to start handling it, which seems unlikely. So I wouldn't expect any help with your problems, unless it is something someone knows the answer to already.

Support Links:

For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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  • 1 month later...

Actually, the author of this contrib is now selling it for $499 from his own website. He doesn't support it in this forum anymore.


I'm posting because I'm having issues with it, too. I've had it for a few years now. Recently, my site started running very slowly and I contacted my webhost. They told me they saw a ton of SQL queries to my database, looked something like this:


| 3021507 | xysyz_osc2 | localhost | xysyz_osc2 | Query | 0 | Opening tables | select seo_url_get from seo_url where seo_url_org = 'http://www.mysite.com/index.php?cPath=7 |

| 3021510 | xysyz_osc2 | localhost | xysyz_osc2 | Query | 1 | closing tables | select seo_url_get from seo_url where seo_url_org = 'http://www.mysite.com/index.php?cPath=7 |


I looked at the Reports section in SEO-G in Admin and it had recorded a whopping 19,000+ SEO-G URLs. I have around 4,000 products listed. Throw in a hundred or so other pages that would be generating SEO-G URLs, like mysite.com/privacy.html and there really should only be a little over 4,000 URLs being recorded, right?


I noticed that many of the product URLs are being recorded multiple times, with different extensions. Page numbers, if you will. For example, I'll have a correct URL of mysite.com/name-of-product.html


That entry will be followed by 4 or more that read, in order, name-of-product-p2.html, name-of-product-p3.html, name-of-product-p4.html and so on. It's the same item yet it's generating multiple SEO-G URLs.


Anyone know what could be happening? I'm like the guy above...I'm just deleting reports completely every day now in order to keep the site running fast.

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  • 1 month later...

Actually, the author of this contrib is now selling it for $499 from his own website. He doesn't support it in this forum anymore.


I'm posting because I'm having issues with it, too. I've had it for a few years now. Recently, my site started running very slowly and I contacted my webhost. They told me they saw a ton of SQL queries to my database, looked something like this:




I looked at the Reports section in SEO-G in Admin and it had recorded a whopping 19,000+ SEO-G URLs. I have around 4,000 products listed. Throw in a hundred or so other pages that would be generating SEO-G URLs, like mysite.com/privacy.html and there really should only be a little over 4,000 URLs being recorded, right?


I noticed that many of the product URLs are being recorded multiple times, with different extensions. Page numbers, if you will. For example, I'll have a correct URL of mysite.com/name-of-product.html


That entry will be followed by 4 or more that read, in order, name-of-product-p2.html, name-of-product-p3.html, name-of-product-p4.html and so on. It's the same item yet it's generating multiple SEO-G URLs.


Anyone know what could be happening? I'm like the guy above...I'm just deleting reports completely every day now in order to keep the site running fast.



What is the website url???

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  • 4 months later...

As I am wanting to use this contribution, I'm interested also in getting a few questions answered. This is an absolutely perfect way to get exactly the URL's you want for maximum SEO benefit. I haven't seen any other solutions that give you this degree of control over exactly what you'll get in the URL for each of your products. Sure, you have to spend a little time entering the exact text you want to see there, but that's sure time well spent.


HOWEVER ...it does look like the original developer dropped support here as he's apparently merged the SEO-G software with an larger CMS package. Although the CMS package itself is apparently free, he's charging about US$500 for full support, for those who have difficulty working out kinks that may arise from implementation oh their own site.


There's more information here: www.asymmetrics.com/seo-g.asp

Edited by Jan Zonjee
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

i'd like to report that seo-g works perfectly with manufacturers and sorting and any other extra pulldowns....


here's an example for the manufacturers in index.php


	  $filterlist_query = tep_db_query($filterlist_sql);
  if (tep_db_num_rows($filterlist_query) > 1) {
	echo tep_draw_form('filter', FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'get') . '<b>show:</b> ';
	if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'])) {
	  echo tep_draw_hidden_field('manufacturers_id', $HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id']);
	  $options = array(array('id' => '', 'text' => TEXT_ALL_CATEGORIES));
	} else {
	  echo tep_draw_hidden_field('cPath', $cPath);
	  $options = array(array('id' => '', 'text' => TEXT_ALL_MANUFACTURERS));

	echo tep_draw_hidden_field('sort', $_GET['sort']).(isset($_GET['list']) ? tep_draw_hidden_field('list', $_GET['list']) : '') . (isset($_GET['max']) ? tep_draw_hidden_field('max', $_GET['max']) : '');
<select class="xdrop1" name="select2" onChange="if(options[selectedIndex].value) window.location.href=(options[selectedIndex].value)">
<option value="<? echo tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF), tep_get_all_get_params(array('filter_id','page', 'max', 'sort')) . ''); ?>">All Manufacturers</option>
while ($filterlist = tep_db_fetch_array($filterlist_query)) {
<option value="<? echo tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF), tep_get_all_get_params(array('filter_id','page', 'max', 'sort')) . 'filter_id='.$filterlist['id']); ?>" <?php if($HTTP_GET_VARS['filter_id'] == $filterlist['id'] ) {echo 'SELECTED';}else{ echo '';} ?>><? echo $filterlist['name']; ?></option>
echo tep_hide_session_id() . '</form>' . "\n";


and for the manufacturers infobox (includes/boxes/manufacturers.php) on the column_left.php i used this (you should be able to find out where this goes in the file):


// Display a drop-down
  $manufacturers_array = array();
	$manufacturers_array[] = array('id' => '', 'text' => PULL_DOWN_DEFAULT);
	echo tep_draw_form('manufacturers', tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'NONSSL', false), 'get');

<select class="xdrop1" name="select3" onChange="if(options[selectedIndex].value) window.location.href=(options[selectedIndex].value)">
<option value="<? echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT); ?>">Please Select</option>
  while ($manufacturers = tep_db_fetch_array($manufacturers_query)) {
<option value="<? echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'manufacturers_id='.$manufacturers['manufacturers_id']); ?>" <?php if($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'] == $manufacturers['manufacturers_id'] ) {echo 'SELECTED';}else{ echo '';} ?>><? echo $manufacturers['manufacturers_name']; ?></option>



If I do that in my manufacturer box I miss border in manufacturer box


Can anybody help me?


here my manufactured.php box:


 $Id: manufacturers.php,v 1.19 2003/06/09 22:17:13 hpdl Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License

 $manufacturers_query = tep_db_query("select manufacturers_id, manufacturers_name from " . TABLE_MANUFACTURERS . " order by manufacturers_name");
 if ($number_of_rows = tep_db_num_rows($manufacturers_query)) {
<!-- manufacturers //-->
   $info_box_contents = array();
   $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => BOX_HEADING_MANUFACTURERS);

new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, false, tep_href_link(FILENAME_MANUFACTURERS));

   if ($number_of_rows <= MAX_DISPLAY_MANUFACTURERS_IN_A_LIST) {
// Display a list
     $manufacturers_list = '';
     while ($manufacturers = tep_db_fetch_array($manufacturers_query)) {
       $manufacturers_name = ((strlen($manufacturers['manufacturers_name']) > MAX_DISPLAY_MANUFACTURER_NAME_LEN) ? substr($manufacturers['manufacturers_name'], 0, MAX_DISPLAY_MANUFACTURER_NAME_LEN) . '..' : $manufacturers['manufacturers_name']);
       if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id']) && ($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'] == $manufacturers['manufacturers_id'])) $manufacturers_name = '<b>' . $manufacturers_name .'</b>';
       $manufacturers_list .= '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'manufacturers_id=' . $manufacturers['manufacturers_id']) . '">' . $manufacturers_name . '</a><br>';

     $manufacturers_list = substr($manufacturers_list, 0, -4);

     $info_box_contents = array();
     $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => $manufacturers_list);
   } else {
// Display a drop-down
     $manufacturers_array = array();
       $manufacturers_array[] = array('id' => '', 'text' => PULL_DOWN_DEFAULT);

     while ($manufacturers = tep_db_fetch_array($manufacturers_query)) {

     $manufacturers_name = ((strlen($manufacturers['manufacturers_name']) > MAX_DISPLAY_MANUFACTURER_NAME_LEN) ? substr($manufacturers['manufacturers_name'], 0, MAX_DISPLAY_MANUFACTURER_NAME_LEN) . '..' : $manufacturers['manufacturers_name']);

   $manufacturers_array[] = array('id' => $manufacturers['manufacturers_id'],
                                      'text' => $manufacturers_name);

     $info_box_contents = array();
     $info_box_contents[] = array('form' => tep_draw_form('manufacturers', tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'NONSSL', false), 'get'),
                                  'text' => tep_draw_pull_down_menu('manufacturers_id', $manufacturers_array, (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id']) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'] : ''), 'onChange="this.form.submit();" size="' . MAX_MANUFACTURERS_LIST . '" style="width: 100%"') . tep_hide_session_id());

   new infoBox($info_box_contents);
<!-- manufacturers_eof //-->

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  • 2 months later...

I installed SEO-G, but it not working for pagination.

For example:

/kolyaski/shassi-_lyulki_i_aksessuaryi.html - first page

/index.php?cPath=6_70&QUERY_STRING=cPath%3D6_70&sort=products_sort_order&&page=2 - second page

How made it working????

And this module not working for this type url: index.php?cPath=6_70&sort=products_sort_order&filter_id=29 when I choose category and then filter by manufacturer??

Any idea??? Please.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Hi, what I want to do is to modifiy my urls. I want my urls in spanish, for example,

Actual URL:


What I want:



Can I do that with SEO-G ? How?

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