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Hi All


I am developing my new web site and would appreciate feedback from the members of the OSC community about any improvements that could be made also what you may think goog or bad about the site. Is the security ok is the payment gateway ok is the SSL cert ok etc.


All comments good and bad welcome


Here is where the shop is at http://www.voipnetshop.co.uk




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You have a secure and insecure items error consider fixing. The text in your header bar should be changed as it is hard to read. I would remove the scrolling infoboxes as I find them very annoying. On your handy guides pages http://www.voipnetshop.co.uk/chart_gateway.php you have Handy guides listed twice. I would remove one. Removing your categories infobox and replacing it with the search box in my opinion works for your site, good job. Other then that your site is easy to use.

Andrew Yuen

osCommerce, Community Team

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