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The e-commerce.

Can't get past second install page


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I've installed oscommerce several times before using the exact same files I've patched to work with the register_globals patch successfully.


However, this time when I attempt to install and I get to the second installation page which asks if you'd like to import a catalog and setup the default settings and I hit next, the page simply refreshes itself and I'm back on the same /catalog/install/install.php?step=2 page.


Has anyone got any ideas as to why this is happening. I've made sure to upload the files in ASCII.


Any and all suggestions are welcome and very much appreciated - I'm on a deadline to get this setup.


~ Ryan

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hi Ryan,


i experienced the same thing.

but after i modified my php.ini i can install oscommerce


i changed these variables:

register_globals = on

register_long_arrays = on


there might be another way to do this if you dont have access to php.ini


hope that help!

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