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download controller contribution not working properly


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ok. I got it working. It does control when the file is made available, etc. etc. etc.


problem however,


1. it appears to have taken off all other shipping methods that i perviously had available on the checkout_processing page.


2. It still identifies the handling fee.



so what can I do? I want the contribution, but i need the other shipping methods to be listed. Where do I go to include these shipping methods once more?

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The /includes/class/shipping.php allows for the use of the Free Shipping module for downloads or products that use free shipping based on a weight of 0


The /includes/class/payment.php allows for the use of the Free Payment module for when the $total is 0 and the weight is 0.


When either of these modules show, the others do not. When the other modules show, the Free modules do not show.

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Remove the handling fee.


This add-on is designed to work with both products that require shipping fees and products that do not.


The free shipping module will only appear when there is not weight, ie no shipping.

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The modules are smart :D


/includes/class/payment.php looks at the cart totals for $total and weight


If both are $0 and 0 weight then it knows there is no shipping so there is no payment either.


/includes/class/shipping.php looks at the cart totals for weight. If there is no weight then there is no shipping.


If there are mixed products with free shipping and shipping, then there would be weight. So, the free shipping module is not used and your regularly scheduled shipping modules are available. The products with free shipping, being 0 weight, will not effect the weight calculations on the regular shipping modules.


Does that help?

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yes, i placed your file back and it's working fine.


now how do i edit that text field for the shipping. i don't want it to feature a gif or a button. just say FREE SHIPPING, and be done with it.


how do i edit that? i edited the other text by going into english/modul/ ectc. etc.

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Edit the shipping module like you would any other.


At the top of the free shipping module is the image file that is used:




// class constructor

   function FREEBEE() {

     $this->code = 'FREEBEE';



     $this->icon = DIR_WS_ICONS . 'shipping_freebee.gif';




Remove the image file name and it will not show.

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If you turn it off in Admin, then it will not be there for any Free Shipping you have.


The program is written to have it on in Admin in addition to the other shipping modules you are using, ie UPS


The Free Shipping module will only show when there is totally free shipping, otherwise it hides itself.


Make sure that the handling fee for it is set to 0, I cannot recall if that was fixed in the version you downloaded or not.

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