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E-Mail Confirmation Reply Help...


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Hi Again,

Back to ask for more help... :cry: I noticed that when I tested the site I'm building, once the payment process is succesful, osCommerce will automatically send a confirmation e-mail. The mail reads:


<Shop Name>


Order Number: 3

Detailed Invoice: <http://url.detailofpurchase>

Date Ordered: Tuesday 22 October, 2002


Your order has been updated to the following status.


New status: Delivered


Please reply to this email if you have any questions.


Is there any way that I can have the item listed out rather than just order Number: 3 instead of going into the detailed Invoice? Any help would be most apprecieated. Thank you. :D

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I think there's a little confusion here.


Youv'e posted the mail, that can be send to customers from admin, when you change the order status.

The text can be changed in admin/includes/languages/english/orders.php


Normally the customers recieves the mail from /catalog/checkout_process.php when they complete the order. This email list all the products lines.


If you want more details in the order_status, you could try and copy some of the logic from checkout_process.php (Don't know if it'll work :? )

Best Regards


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