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Switch Module


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I'm trying to install the UK Switch module contributed by siCramer but I'm running into problems. I've done all the mods as far as I can see, and everything works - except that I still can't take switch payments. there is no switch option at the checkout and when I type in a switch card number, osC says that it doesn't accept switch cards. anyone help???




Evan Brown

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm wrestling with this one right now.


I have it running but it won't collect the CVV and issue numbers and rejects my own master card - so I'm a bit ahead of you.


The problems I had getting it running were mainly the SQL additions. The file "new_cc_validations.sql" when enetered as a SQL query didn't make all the additions to the db and I eneded up entering each query separately. ie first query:


INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key,

configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order,

last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function)


'true', 'Accept DELTA credit cards', 6, 0,

NULL, now(), NULL, NULL);


through each of the 15 queries.


Then I completely missed the file catalog/includes/modules/payment/cc.php becuase it run off the bottom of my screen! This is the totally rewritten file that shows the cc types in admin and alters the check out page.


Hope this helps.

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  • 1 month later...



Just wondering if either of you guys or anyone else has managed to get this running?


I have followed the instructions, everything seems OK (all the new options show up in Admin) but the option to pay by credit card will just not appear in the checkout_payment.php page.


I am using the 9 November 2002 snapshot but this contribution is from 4 June 2002 - would this cause any problems?



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The version could be critical. I have it running sweatly on a July 5 2002 snapshot - but not without a great deal of hair loss. The problem was my carelessness! The modifications require great care, one comma or slash wrong and it doesn't work. As the contribution updates files in an erlier snapshot I did not replace files, but copied and pasted in the change in my July files.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am also having a bit of trouble getting the Switch Module working I have tried everything suggested on this topic but I am now getting the following error while trying to go the checkout process:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_add_tax() in /pathtosever/shop/includes/classes/order.php on line 193

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I am also getting this error whilst trying to access admin:


Fatal error: Failed opening required 'DIR_WS_CLASSESlogger.php' (include_path='') in /home/apspree/public_html/shop/admin/includes/application_top.php on line 138


I have checked in the application_top.php file and this is what is on line 138:


// initialize the logger class

require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'logger.php');


Please can somebody help me

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If somebody could have a go through the checkout to see if they can spot what is going on I would really appreciate it. I don't want to go any further without the Switch Module just in case I can't get it working.


Please can somebody help me





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  • 2 weeks later...

Snapshots after 1st nov 2002 have a new checkout procedure so contributions previous to this date that interact with the checkout procedure will be extremely difficult to integrate without at least complete hair loss.


you might want to check out this cvv for cc contribution updated on 01/01/2003






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I am another sole trying to get this to work with post-nov-snapshots. I can get as far as the module appearing in admin but not as an option in the catalog. Is there anywhere to doownload pre-nov snapshots?


Is the new checkout procedure very different from the old one? Is it just the one file? If it is only a small change rather than a compelte rework of the procedure, I will have a look at fixing the contribution for this more recent release. A little more information?

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ive got hold of the development snashot that this module does work with now. You can get the files from http://www.townersworld.co.uk/files/ . There is a possibility that Si will update his module in a few weeks to comply with the latest snapshots, but for now well just have to use the module with the correct version.

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thanks for the old snapshot - just a quick question

is there any way that only the files that are related to the credit card authentication from a post nov 1st release can be replaced from with the correct files from the older snapshot - without having to install all of the oscommerce again? and if so which are these files ?- as i have spent considerable amount of time setting the shop up correctly thanks in advance

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there are 2 different checkout procedures, as far as i am aware you couldn't swap out files without breaking the checkout.


I have actually amended over the past couple of days the cc payment module to collect additionally :- start date, cvv, and issue number.

I have also amended the cc-validation class to pick out the various card types and accept or reject them depending on whether my processor accepts those cards. I have made CVV mandatory.


I am just about to pick out the database changes and additions to other files and pop them together as a contribution for later on in the week. I will at some point integrate this with snowmans future cvv module that includes database encryption of cc data.


pm me if you want the files sooner.




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Hi barry

you may have saved me a lot of time then! id be very grateful if you could send me the files - im not great on php so it would definately be a bonus if they are in contribution style of format but if not ill take them any way possible to give them a go as I was hoping to be up and running at some point this week.


thanks in advance


eif richards

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