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Authorizenet will be changing options - need help reprogramm


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From the Authorizenet website:




As part of our continual commitment to optimize the quality of the Payment Gateway and the Merchant Interface, Authorize.Net is proud to announce several new upcoming enhancements and features, including a new and improved gateway connection method. To allow for the implementation of these system enhancements, there will be a brief period of downtime during the hour of 12:00 - 1:00 AM PDT on October 30, 2002.


First, we are pleased to announce the release of Simple Integration Method (SIM). SIM combines the increased security and robustness of Advanced Integration Method (AIM) (previously known as ADC Direct Response) with the programming ease of WebLink and Relay Response. The SIM Implementation Guide will be available in the Merchant Interface on October 30, 2002.


SIM has been developed in part to accommodate for the eventual discontinuation of the WebLink and Relay Response connection methods. For more information about converting to a new connection method, please see the AIM/SIM Conversion Guide at http://www.authorize.net/files/conversionguide.pdf.



can someone help me when they release the new implementation guide to create a new Authorizenet module please



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Hi all,


Here is the message from Authorizenet:


"WebLink and Relay Response have become insufficient to meet the newest security needs of merchants. As a result, and to optimize the security of submissions to the Payment Gateway, the WebLink and Relay Response connection methods will eventually be discontinued."


More detail about this news:



This means the ADC Relay Response came with osc2.2 will not be functional, and it needs to be converted to ADC Direct Connection Method.


You can download my code here if you decide to use ADC Direct Connection from Oscommerce Contribution. There is a file Installation.txt that came with my instruction of how to install it.



Read page 1, 2, and 3 to trouble shoot your problem.



Helpful Info for your oscommerce:






You can make donation to my startup company since I spent much time of it to support Authorizenet ADC Direct Connection.



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Hi all,


Please refrain from cross posting. I have locked all of your other posts. All responses should be directed here.

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)

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can someone help me when they release the new implementation guide to create a new Authorizenet module please


We will look into updating this module.

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)

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Sorry about that


and thank you for looking into this


It would seem that while baonguyenx 's contribution will work for some people now, it will cease working after Authorizenet makes their changes so all of us that are using Authorizenet need a new solution that will address the SIM and AIM methods of connecting to Authorizenet.


I look forward to the solution and thanks again!



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Hi Jeff,


Advanced Integration Method (AIM) is the same as ADC Direct Connection that I published. This means everyone who don't use ADC Direct Connection needs to change to either Advanced Integration Method (AIM) and Simple Integration Method (SIM).


Quotes from authorizenet

"Formerly known as ADC Direct Response, Advanced Integration Method (AIM) is the preferred and highly recommended method of connection to the Payment Gateway. Using the best of web security, AIM does more to eliminate unauthorized transactions and optimize transaction security

than any other connection method."




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ahhhh - OK - I was reading it as if they were changing all methods and replacing ALL methods with the new methods


so then your module will continue to work for ADC Direct connect - you are certain :?:



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Just one thing regarding the Authorize.net gateway.


It's nice and all and functionality is great, but I feel that there is one thing lacking. Since authorize.net likes to match the card with the billing address and most US shoppers don't necessarely signup for accounts with their billing address, we are constantly getting complaints that they cannot purchase products from our site.


We have logged into authorize.net to change these settings, but it does not help us against fraudulent transactions.


I think that the Authorize.net system should be changed to allow the user to input the following information when paying:


Name on the Card(sometimes people don't buy with their card and use a spouses card)

Billing address(since sometimes it's a company card and the user has their billing address at home instead of the office)

CV2 Code(this is becoming more and more common on all sites using authorize.net - added security)


I feel that if this information could be somehow included to work with OSC that transactions would process a lot easier with the value added security that Authorize.net thrives on.


What's the point of using a secure transaction processor that has extra security features setup if you cannot use them.

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unfortunately nothing can be all thing to all people, unless you want to pay for it


we had this problem for a period of time and then we put, in BIG LETTERS, a note on the account creation page that the user should enter their billing address when creating their user account - I think we also put something about it on the checkout page


while this falls into the RTFM syndrom, I would say most people do read it and follow the directions and some don't


I understand the security issues at stake and reasons behind them (such as using the AVS system on Authorizenet), but again, there are other solutions out there, but be ready to dig deeeeeep into your pocket to use them


just my 2 cents...


we are going to move to the ADC connect method as rapidly as we can as yesterday, for the first time in 3 years, someone was trying to submit illegal transactions to authorizenet by copying the checkout page and then running a copy of it from their machine so we couldnt even see the ip where the stuff was coming from, but we called Authnet, changed out account ID, changed our password, altered the required fields in the settings panel, etc, and it vanished - using the ADC connect method will stop these types of things from occuring again


the next issue to address is what Visa and Mastercard are doing with implementing their systems so when users place online transactions, they will get a popup dialog so they can enter their unique password to validate the order with their code. American Express has a similar system called 'Personal Payments' where they scramble the first 3 or 4 digits of the Amex card number to allow the card holder to enter their card with a code embedded in their card number, but I have yet to see a system that can deal with it.....

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I'm trying to get this Contribution to work ( I just got my Authorize.net account a few hours ago, woohoo!). Anyway, i'm geting this error in finalizing the order.


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class order in /home/illuminous-times.com/httpdocs/includes/classes/order.php on line 13


lines 13 and 14 read


class order {

var $info, $totals, $products, $customer, $delivery;


I don't know where to start looking to fix this error... any pointers?

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I would contact baonguyenx, he is the one that wrote the contribution so he would probably know what is going on - we havent tried it yet since we use authorizenet URL relay and in order to test the direct connect method we would have to take our site down, change the authnet settings, and then go back online and pray that we dont have to stop taking orders to debug the module, so i will be very interested in whether or not you can get it working before we start messing with it

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Hi Dan,


In your file catalog/checkout_process.php, you need to include catalog/includes/classes/order.php only one time, and it must be placed before file catalog/includes/modules/authorizenet_direct.php is included.


Example from file catalog/checkout_process.php in ADC_Direct_Connection Contribution. Please do not change the order of the following codes!!!


// Need to be included before Authorizenet ADC Direct Connection

require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order.php');

$order = new order;



// Authorizenet ADC Direct Connection

// Make sure the /catalog/includes/class/order.php is included

// and $order object is created before this!!!


include(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'authorizenet_direct.php');




// load the before_process function from the payment modules



// In your particular case, I think you still include the order.php after

// this line the second time; that is why, you got that error. Please

// comment it out!!!

//require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order.php');

//$order = new order;




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Ok, i've changed that and it seems to work, i think? It gave me the order processed screen. When you use this Contribution, do you go to authorize.net's site at all, or is it done behind the scenes? I went straiht from the confirmation to success page on the click of the button. I checked my authorize.net account, and there is nothing about a test order oin through (I ran it in test mode). This is my first time setting up a credit card payment module, so I don't know what to expect or how it is supposed to react/look...

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Hi Dan,


If your authorizenet account is in test mode, you can not see any transaction went through in there, but you should receive a confirmation of "Merchant Email Receipt" right away. Make sure in your osc admin, the "Authorize.net E-Mail Merchant" is 1, which will send to the email that you specified to receive the confirmation from authorize.net.


In the real mode, you will also receive the confirmation email, and you can see that transaction in your authorizenet account right away. Check the email that you specified to receive the merchant confirmation.


The nice thing about ADC Direct Connection is that it does not lead customer to authorizenet website, and customer is always stay on your site!!!




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where does authorize.net get the e-mail to send the confirmation to? Is it just the e-mail address you put in Os Commerce, or do you configure that on your account with authorize.net?

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Hi Harald,


Here is the copy of AIM and SIM implementation guide. These documents detail the technical specifications and features of the AIM & SIM connection from authorizenet.


I just uploaded them in my briefcase folder at Yahoo SBC. The file name is AIM_SIM.zip


http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/[email protected]&.view=l




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OK, I tried using the new contribution for ADC connect method and it did not work for me...


I added the files in the contribution ,I added the password in the authorizenet_direct.php file, I went into authnet and changed the settings from web link to direct response and checked the password required box - i then tested with a test card number and a real card number and both generated error responses


I also removed the weblink urls


basically in authnet I went


settings:response/receipt urls/---- deleted those urls

settings:paswword-required mode-----checked password required box


so who can help with this problem????? please

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  • 11 months later...

by the time your code includes the file includes/classes/order.php, the class "order" has already been declared somewhere (probably by including ORDER.PHP on some previous page).


are you just installing the contribution or are you modifying the code yourself?

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yes SIM!!


good for us folks who can't afford a cert or the hassle of securing the credit card data. does anyone have advice (or a contribution) that would help me get SIM rolling on my oscommerce install? I'm going to be using authorize.net and i suspect that once the user has chosen shipping info in CHECKOUT_SHIPPING.PHP and clicks CONTINUE, the next page should be CHECKOUT_CONFIRMATION.php ...we need to skip CHECKOUT_PAYMENT.PHP or configure it to not bother collecting credit card data...perhaps just choosee a payment method?


can anyone tell me which page the transaction gateway response should submit to (the RELAY_URL)??


that would be sweet.

FlashMOG - make multiplayer games in Flash/PHP!

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I am ready to startup authorize.net and am glad I checked the forums first.


A question on the Bn's contribution.


I see a number of downloads after his initial Authorizenet ADC Direct Connection contribution.


Which versions (files) should be downloaded and used that will work with the latest authorize.net requirements?


I also take it that the current implementation within 2.2MS2 will not work after the end of this month?


I am using 2.2MS2 with a few added contributions.



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  • 4 months later...

Hey guys,

I'm the guy who wrote Authorize.net Consolidated and am looking around for issues/problems/suggestions to improve upon it. I'm glad to see Bao Nguyen's in here, Bao, do you like what I've done with your original code? Hopefully I've made ya proud ;). I'm going to be rewriting a lot more of it soon as well...for anyone interested in it or giving feedback please visit:




And let me know. Also for anyone asking questions about it please post there rather than in a new thread so I see it.



Edited by Austin519
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