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The e-commerce.

Confused by versions and documentation


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I've installed osCommerce 2.2-MS2 and it's great. But I've noticed that the administration tool showed in the online documentation is totally different from what I have.


This can be seen clearly on this page Documentation


The admin tool on this documentation looks more advanced, with a nice design and tabs for sections and languages.


Can somebody tell me what version of osCommerce is this?


Why is different from the version I've downloaded from the site?




I believe that documentation is for the upcoming release of version 3 of OsCommerce.


Then it's really confusing as on the documentation site you can read "Last Update: 13th June, 2005".


I thought that this admin screen shots are from a previous version. Anyway if it's for the upcoming release it looks great!


I believe that documentation is for the upcoming release of version 3 of OsCommerce.


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