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The e-commerce.

how do i read session data


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hi all

just wondering if there is anyone out there who can help me with a problem im having.


i have osCommerce 2.2-MS2 which i have started to customize to suit my needs. what i need to know is how to read session data


Here is some session data i pulled from the table.

(my sessions get saved to the sessions sql table)










ok what i need to know is how to extract the info out of the green line (cart variable).


when i recall variables from inventory_id i use $_SESSION[inventory_id] and that gives me the values of '2:5,11' which is what i want but when i use $_SESSION[cart] i get Object id #1 as the return. im confused as the cart variable has heeps of extras i dont understand.


i can see the figures i want but dont know how to recall them (ie 1201,1202=product_id, 1=qty, 3= weight, 58.5=total)


could someone please explain to me in plain english how to do this.


cheers jon. :rolleyes:

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my mistake the green line is actually



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