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Table Widths???


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If you look at http://activeray.com/catalog/ and all of the subsequent pages, you'll notice that the main information on the page (i.e. inbetween the left and right menu includes) the information is butted up directly against the left and right include menus. How can I space out the table so that there is a gap between the main information and the left/right menu includes?

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You can change the cellspacing and cellpadding. For example, in this code in index.php

  } else { // default page
<td width="100%" valign="top"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

That would require a number of such changes though. A better way is to find this code

<!-- left_navigation_eof //-->

and add after it

<td width="10"></td>



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Okay, I've done that but with the following code:


<!-- left_navigation_eof //-->
   <td width="5%"></td>


I have tried to make the margin the same between the body text and the right navigation also, but it doesn't seem to adjust anything... Can you help me adjust the margin between the body text and the right navigation, an example of my problem can be seen here : http://activeray.com/catalog/login.php



Thanks in advance,



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To add a space to the right side, you add another table cell like that but towards the end of the file where the rihgt colun is displayed. But the spacing looks fine (maybe too wide) on that page. At you talking about the text within the boxes?



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