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Problems on migration


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I've migrated a client that uses OSCommerce and I'm having a little problem... All works, but in Admin Panel it returns the follow error:




Unable to determine the page link!


Function used:


tep_href_link('', 'selected_box=configuration', 'NONSSL')</quote>


I think thats root folder in the older server is /public_html and in the new server is /httpdocs. May be it?

I cant find where set directories path. Is in the database? In a config file? Who can help me?


Thank you.




I've tryied this file, but It doesnt work...

It's so strange. Other possibility that I have is proceed a new installation and upgrade my DB. But it's not working too. When I import the old DB to the new installation, it stops to run and returns a blank page.


I have a feeling that all problem is in absolute path, but I dont know how to solve it.

Just to illustrate:


in /admin/includes/configure.php

original installation (cPanel): define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT',$DOCUMENT_ROOT);

a new installation (Plesk): define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/var/www/vhosts/mysite/httpdocs/catalog');


And changing this line in original installation returns a blank page.



Thanks again.


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