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The e-commerce.

blank account.php page


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Hi all,


I have recently installed oscommerce here: http://www.netpearl.net/jewelry


I have added the Ultimate SEO URLs 2.1d contribution and the Header Tags Controller contribution.


I am experiencing a problem with several pages, including account.php , checkout_shipping.php and some pages with parameters such as shopping_cart.php?action=update_product (when I want to add or remove a product from the cart).


On the account.php page, when I remove the following code from the page, the page does show up:

  if (!tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) {
tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'));

however the

"View or change my account information"

"View or change entries in my address book"

"Change my account password"

"My Orders"

"View the orders I have made"

etc. links don't work.


Does anyone have an idea what causes the problem? I have read this page but it doesn't help.


thanks a lot.

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ok I am slowly getting there. I just discovered that the problem only occurs on the english pages, not on german or spanish pages so this must have something to do with the modifications I've made to the language files... now the question is, which file ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think i found the solution.


This is a very, very stupid error.... :'(


The solution:


Find unnecessary space or line break at the end of files after "?>".

Like the english.php, index.php or any files that you modify.


It was help for me... i hope it will help for you too....

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