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Replicating the Manufacturer DB and PHP Pages


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This is what I am looking to do...


I want to create a field for each product that has a couple of variables that relate to shipping stock




Same day

in 24 Hours

in 3 days

in 5 days

Out of Stock

Back Ordered


It is my belief that the manufacturer function will do this effectivly however I use my manufacturer for manufacturers. So what I am thinking would be perfect would be to;


Copy the Manufacturer DB table and rename it to shipping_stock.

Then to copy the manufacturer PHP pages and rename them to shipping_stock.

Modify the PHP pages to change "Manufacturer" to "Ships In:"

Also add a column in the product_info so that is displays both the Manufacturer and the new Ships In column



This is the best solution that I can come up with and my experience with PHP & MySQL is pretty limited. I can usually figure things out if given enough time but what I am wondering is how is the best way to do this..


I can probably modify all my PHP pretty easily without any help but how do I go about entering the new fields into the DB


OBTW I do NOT use MyPHPadmin. for security reason our DB server is isolated from the Internet and I have to do all my modifications right on the server with the MySQL tools provided.


Any help on this subject would be awesome and I know that if any body in the world can help me they would be HERE in these forums!!




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