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The e-commerce.

registered customers

charlieb in ct

Recommended Posts


I'm just setting up shop ... I registered as a dummy customer ... once I'm signed in .... I'm taken to the https index.php .. which has the original stuff in it. ( which I've copy/pasted below).


Do I have to copy everthing over to the https ... /shop folder? the right and left columns and the products show up ok.














What's New Here? What's New Here?

Welcome back charles! Would you like to see which new products are available to purchase?

This is a default setup of the osCommerce project, products shown are for demonstrational purposes, any products purchased will not be delivered nor will the customer be billed. Any information seen on these products is to be treated as fictional.


Error Messages


If there are any error or warning messages shown above, please correct them first before proceeding.


Error messages are displayed at the very top of the page with a complete background color.


Several checks are performed to ensure a healthy setup of your online store - these checks can be disabled by editing the appropriate parameters at the bottom of the includes/application_top.php file.

Editing Page Texts


The text shown here can be modified in the following file, on each language basis:


[path to catalog]/includes/languages/english/index.php


That file can be edited manually, or via the Administration Tool with the Languages->English->Define or Tools->File Manager modules.


The text is set in the following manner:


define('TEXT_MAIN', 'This is a default setup of the osCommerce project...');


The text highlighted in green may be modified - it is important to keep the define() of the TEXT_MAIN keyword. To remove the text for TEXT_MAIN completely, the following example is used where only two single quote characters exist:


define('TEXT_MAIN', '');


More information concerning the PHP define() function can be read here.

Securing The Administration Tool


It is important to secure the Administration Tool as there is currently no security implementation available.

Online Documentation

You should not have to copy anything over. As your login went to https it is working.


must be that something is wrong with my set up because I'm definitely getting the original text on the home page once it shifts to HTTPS.


I looked in the HTTPS/shop folder and the index.php is the original that came with the install process.


Any thoughts on what I do to resolve this problem?





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