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URGENT website is down due to max_questions reached pls help


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User 'oscuser_scart' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 50000)


select value from sessions where sesskey = '0d6917dda140bb3a133fa03ab2a2e153' and expiry > '1174440570'


Can someone please tell me what this means. My website was working fine until 40minutes when this happened.


please help.




A quick google:


MySQL can monitor resource usage - this helps your ISP to keep a record of how many queries your site is consuming. On shared hosts, this can be used to limit the maximum number of queries per domain, leading to less burden on the server.


Your ISP chose to set this maximum limit to 90000 queries. You can either contact them and ask them to increase the max_questions limit, or try to keep the usage of your site so low that the limit is not crossed.


Or you can change your ISP.


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