Guest Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 I am building a website for my boss and bought a template off template monster last week. I have never used OSC before and I have found it very difficult to use but my boss has spent over £1000 setting up so far. I need a lot of help with things as I know I could finally do them but not before his launch date which is 31st March 2007. He has planned a massive advertising campaign in the press and I am running out of time. I installed the basic OSC which I got with my hosting account and then I added the TM files and did the full install. What I have found is there are not to many features included but I see there are loads that can be added via the contributions section. Things that I need help with is: The size of the site as we need the boxes to not be on the right once they are into the actual shop. The jewellery squares needed to be 3 wide but I can't see how to do that. The currencies drop down box needs to be added somewhere down the side. Want the specials box in instead of whats new box. The shopping cart reconfigured down the left (the one there on the right is just a link to the cart not an active cart so it doesn't show whats in basket without clicking) Can anyone help? I am under a lot of pressure to get the website completed and like I said in the title, I would be in a position to contribute money for help whether it be a donation to OSC or to the person(s) who can help out. The shop is located at Thanks in advance. Jason.
Guest Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 Forgot to add that I also need a way of doing an easy upload via a spreadsheet too. I know this can be done and I think it is called easy populate. Really need help as we only have a few days to finish this job!
usernamenone Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 good luck, this forum is oscommerce and not template monster. Someone has hacked oscommerce code to make your template. You should have made sure that your template was what you wanted before you bought it. Also you should know that most contributions will not work with your template.
Guest Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 good luck, this forum is oscommerce and not template monster. Someone has hacked oscommerce code to make your template. You should have made sure that your template was what you wanted before you bought it. Also you should know that most contributions will not work with your template. That wasn't a very nice post to make to a complete new user, who has offered to PAY for someone's services. I'd like to say I could help you jas99villa, but with my full time job I just don't have the time needed at the minute...
Guest Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 I had no idea it was hacked. TM looks like a legitimate site. I only went on the instructions of my boss who knows nothing about the internet! If TM is doing illegal stuff to make templates should they not be closed down? All I am doing is coming to this forum to ask for some help. I have worked with zencart before and any time I asked for help there would be plenty of offers. This is my first attempt at OSC but it seems like I am getting blamed for hacking of a site which I bought. If there is anyone who has the time to offer me some help and advice as I said before, I can pay for the help required.
ccaspell Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 I think what usernamenone meant is templatemonster sells OSC templates that may not have been built as well as they might have been, not that they are doing anything illegal. Hacking is in fact a good thing and not a bad thing - most programmers call themselves hackers as it really means that they have taken the code and modified it to suit the requirements at the time. I must admit that templatemonster templates are a bit strange in that they add bits of code into the various pages to make them do what is needed and don't always do it in accordance with the OSC main design, so if you need to move the site or add contributions in the future you might have a nightmare doing it. I am fairly new to OSC myself and I have just got to the end of a fairly major TM modification so I know the kind of pain you might encounter. I am now trying out the simple template system contribution which seems a much better solution - in that you simply create / buy the raw HTML template that you want and modify it accordingly adding the tags that you require. It certainly does seem easier for me, but I am happy digging around in PHP code. From what I have seen, many people with very little experience are trying to build OSC websites and while setting the basic site up is reasonably easy doing any form of modification is not without at least a passing knowledge of php/html coding. I have been building PHP sites since 2002 in my spare time (I am not a programmer by training) and it has taken me a fair while to figure out how OSC works...well as much as I can anyway. I am quite willing to lend you a hand where I can - perhaps you can send me an IM with your e-mail address and we can start from there. As to "how much will it cost" - well I'd like to say "lots and lots" but to be honest I don't know if I can help you. If I can and it is quick and easy I will tell you what you need to do - after all there are many on this site that have done the same for me over the past six months. I hope that is a fair answer.
usernamenone Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 My post was not ment to upset anyone. By hacking this is what I mean. Templates are made this way. You template maker designs a cover page that looks the way they want it to look. It is programed in html. Your maker then takes oscommerce code that is php and adds it to the template. Your oscommerse shot has template makers codes and oscommerce codes in it and your style sheet has programmers styles and oscommerce styles added to it. For oscommerce forum users who do not know your template programmers hacks of oscommerce coding to make the template it is almost impossable for any of us to answer your questions about making changes to your template. Some changes are almost impossable as it will distort the look of your template. The best place to go for support on your template is to pay for support from the template maker as they know the answers and we do not. This is why you should make sure you are getting the look and feel of a template when purchasing a template and you should look to them for support. I am reworking a template for a client as we speak, and I gota tell you IT AIN'T EASY. I am dealing with some coding that is so out dated! I am surpised the site works. So Good luck!
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