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Canadian Taxes - tax class won't change!


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Our store carries a few books that are exempted from PST.

(ie., PST = 0%, GST = 6%)


I have followed the instructions and created tax classes and tax rates for my products.

This is what I have so far:


GST/PST Class BC PST Zone 7%

GST/PST Class Canada GST Zone 6%

GST only Class Canada GST Zone 6%

No Taxes Other country zone 0%


I have also installed the Canadian Tax Display Module in order to have the taxes displayed with the total amount.


Now comes the problem -- When I add in a book as a new product, beside "Tax Class", there's a drop-down menu that asks whether I would like the product to be "GST/PST Class" or "GST only Class", or "no taxes". I pick the "GST only Class" option.


However, when I checkout, both GST and PST are still displayed!


I try going back to the product page and change it, but the Tax Class stays on the default option -- "GST/PST Class" and won't let me change it.. no matters how many times I try!!


Any solutions?? What am I doing wrong?


Thank you, experts!


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