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SQL Error: 1146 - Table 'bonza_osc1.REK_ZONES_TO_GEO_ZONES' doesn't exist


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I've recently switched server and had to reinstall OSC. This is the fifth installation in 3 days I believe... ANYWAY! Today as I am about to "turn on" the usual shipping options I've always used (and they've worked fine so far both on old and new server) out of the blue comes the following error-message:



1146 - Table 'bonza_osc1.REK_ZONES_TO_GEO_ZONES' doesn't exist


select zone_id from REK_ZONES_TO_GEO_ZONES where geo_zone_id = '2' and zone_country_id = '' order by zone_id



Now what is that all about? What am I supposed to poke around in to fix that?




ANY suggestion appreciated.


Maybe fire up phpMyAdmin and make sure that table exists. Perhaps you forgot to install a custom table? Because in my store, the only table like that is "zones_to_geo_zones". My guess is that you used "REK_" as the prefix? Is "bonza_osc1" the name of the database? Otherwise, there shouldn't be anything before "REK_ZONES_TO_GEO_ZONES".


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